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Bradley's Membership application

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): Bradley

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 263 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Seeing as I was playing NTG at FRG's incepetion I heard about it on there as Brass was the coder on there before the move.

Have you ever been banned and why?: The only thing that comes to mind is karma bans from messing around with friends, if anyone can recall actual bans it would be helpful that they could message or leave a comment so I can edit the post.

Why do you want to join?: Been playing for a while now, including back on NTG for a good few years, and I'm pretty close and good friends with a lot of people in the community hence why I'd want to be recognised as part of said community.

Referred by: No one.

Additional Details: I always feel that I have to add, that almost everything I say and do unless explicitly stated otherwise is satire or some form of joke, some people on the server take me way too seriously when I'm joking with some friends and block me before I can explain it's a joke, although admittedly I can get angry at people if they constantly keep on attempting to annoy me or just overall insult me I feel as if I've gotten a lot better at it and block most people who do so to avoid conflict, and have overall calmed down about the game, rarely do I actually get mad over the game itself, more so just conflicts with some certain people who I wont name, but I'm still working on dealing with that and will probably just block them the next time they're online as I know the arguments between me and said individual have been annoying some people on the server, and alongside this feel like I've cut back a lot on the constant use of my microphone so as to not clog the server with my annoying voice constantly.

And on the note of grudges and such, if any of the active members do have issues with me and my presence on the server I would be more than happy to recieve some PM's or steam message on what these issues are so that I can try my best to work on them, as was the case with my last application and Unpoke giving me plenty of things to work on back then.

+1 from me. Bradley's hilarious and I love playing when he's online.

+1, Bradley is a dank mememster and I haven't seen him cause any issues when playing with him.

You used to be a part of or cause a decent amount of conflict back sometime in 2015, either way it isn't something that members should be doing. That being said, it seems or at least looks like you're trying to improve and have matured a bit. Just don't get involved in useless arguments and learn to ignore people. +.75

Yeeees love play with this dude +1 I don't see him cause any trouble either

+1 our best weeb but his brother Sico is still cooler than him.

+1. I've known Bradley a while and I know he would not cause any problems. He's definitely worked on things since last application and would make a great member.

Im going to +0 because he is constantly bullying gangster which is not how a member should act. Otherwise I would have +1'd.
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+1 is saltier than me, kappa, i think he would be a good member as he is very mature and does his best not to make ppl mad

I will say the he kid is extremely annoying, but it takes two to fight. If you stopped talking to him it would be nice. I will 100% +1 if u just block him.
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