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This is why this community*** has gone down the shitter and why I'll probably quit.

***not server really, server is fine tbqh

10$ that was tobiasx who got blacked out.
When a dragon round begins.

I offered Niceshot a CCD and tartarus, + extra for the Megalodong

The other guy says "Fuck that I'll triple his offer just so heisen won't get it."

What a toxic community.
These players deserve Member?

terran seems to have cut off the last few messages:


Tobias, just stop. Terran was kind enough to black out your name, and you respond with this?
Umpty Dumpty

(09-03-2016, 06:43 PM)Bezerker Wrote:  Tobias, just stop. Terran was kind enough to black out your name, and you respond with this?

are you stupid or something?

it was fairly obvious it was me, just by me saying "I sold it for a angelic bow and tart"

(09-03-2016, 06:30 PM)Fancy Typhlosion Wrote:  10$ that was tobiasx who got blacked out.

fancy we all knew who it was there no point in pointing that out :/
like 90% of the time you can tell who it is by looking at the words the use or how the act in chat
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

Or the community is toxic because of people like you Terran who go immediately to the forums to bitch about anything/everything they can because they want recognition to feel entitled. You aren't the Helper or whatever shit you think you are, you're actually an instigator like me so welcome to toxicity master.

Oh, yeah, no bully for Brass' server, its fine. I meant the community of players like the one above me.

I mean. This is all pretty silly to be honest.

I've told tobias that it isn't really right or ok for him to do this, even if he is spiteful/upset at Terran/Heisen. Two wrongs don't make a right after all. So it should be resolved.

Please realize, every group has some bad apples. It doesn't mean the entire community/server is toxic. There's some very cool and friendly players here. It's just unavoidable that there may be people who do some things you may not agree with or get along with.

Also, Heisen was being pretty annoying/over the top about the megalodon rifle for awhile now. I saw first hand. Obviously doesn't excuse the actions, but just sayin'. Kodoos to you if you're trying to get him one, 'cause then maybe he will finally stop bringing it up haha.

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