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Derps member request

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): Derp-A-Doodle-Doo

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 57 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: leo the sexy kitty told me about the server.

Have you ever been banned and why?: was banned only once due to leaving round after being slayed. but the rules were changed and i was unbanned.

Why do you want to join?: i want to join because i love this server and i love the Community. this is the only server i play on and i would love to be a lager part of it. im on when never im able to and i try and be a positive player in the server.

Referred by:

Additional Details: i know i can mess around sometime. but i never mean to piss anyone off. i try to be friendly with everyone. if i do piss someone off i leave it and drop what i was doing.

Only seen positive things about him, I think he would make a decent member, wish ya luck. Big Grin


he's purdy OK. Had a bit of falling out in the beginning but that was pretty much my fault, otherwise he's rolled on nicely and hasn't caused any issues. We've talked a decent amount and I see no reasons why he couldn't obtain Membership. +1!

He'd pretty fun to play with and i have no gripes about him

Leo's friend? Cool.
Tbh, you need some refining in your act, but you're still pretty OK to me.
And you did infact named your own tier, which shows that you really are interested in the community.

Already made a report and got 2 guys banned. Is Leo's friend, and I've seen him ingame and he's pretty cool. +1

I give him a +1, and as far as bottle's comment... he's no more of a smartass than I am Tongue

im not so sure about this but I dont really know since ive played...what...once with ya?
So I will give u a +1 since when I did play with ya it was fun and you were happy to see me so that meant something to me :L
Oh Hey...it's me C:


+1 Most Def
He's Respectful
and is here to help the server, he's a great friend and a even greater boyfriend
I really hope to see him get that Member c:

without a doubt +1

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