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balancing suggestions for the bow

(10-01-2016, 04:19 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
(10-01-2016, 02:25 AM)Fresh Wrote:  
(10-01-2016, 02:08 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  The bow is under powered when you also look at the fact that nearly every gun is better in every situation

not really when i repeatedly just get walked up to and instakilled by someone using the bow... 0 reaction time, its essentially a knife if youre innocent... ZERO effort besides charging the shot and letting go..

why is it that the only people commenting havent even played since the server began being filled with 3+ of these things at a time..

The same logic can be applied to a lot of other weapons. They could walk up and insta-kill you (basically) with almost every other weapon(albeit most require a headshot or so, but with high firerate, it's basically an insta-kill). You're not going to have time to react before you're dead. With the bow, if they miss the first shot they are fucked unlike other primary weapons. Even if they do kill you with the bow, they are likely gonna get rekt anyways. It's pretty slow to fire.

So yeah, other weapons also have ZERO EFFORT other than pressing and holding the mouse button up close. Same logic honestly.

Not saying a nerf is a BAD thing for them , I'm just pointing out something I see wrong with that logic. Although if they didn't one shot up close in the body, you're fucked in almost every firefight. They are so unpractical to use already, taking away that body shot power would pretty much ruin them. (They also only one shot if fully powered, in upper body/head too. No arms/leg shots)

Okay okay here let me give you a scenario

I'm 5 feet away from someone with a Bellum. They have to headshot me for a half second kill, or body shot me and I die in just over a second. I can KOS them even if I die quickly, leading to them potentially dying.

With the bow, I'm dead instantly. Only other weapons that do this are the deagle and rifle, but they require headshots. The bow does not, it's completely effortless for something the other weapons have to do something risky for. Even if I'm being shot gunned to death, the shotgunner gets close and if they don't instantly kill me they are out of position and easy for other innocents to kill, or I can kill them. Maybe that illustrated my point better, I just really don't like that a weapon can body shot kill you SO FAST you can't even KOS the traitor. Not to mention the fact that the bow is near silent. Innos are likely to be instantly killed with no chance of KOS, and the perpetrator has an easy time getting away with it. While the rail gun is also stupid in that it can kill you instantly with a point and click, it's very loud and bright so people will immediately know... So it's LESS stupid.

As for the "missing a shot leaves you screwed", it's more like two. The time to charge a second shot is low enough that even if you miss you can potentially get off another and kill them before you're dead. This isn't what I'm so upset about, it's just that it's insanely strong if you're NOT kosed. If the target has no reason to kill you, even if they're extremely suspicious of you, there is nothing they can do besides hope you fuck up horribly

I've already had the struggle of using the bow with damage reduction because of low karma.
It's such a pain. You want a bow to do 80 damage on body? That just makes the bow pointless to use.
Like, think about how stupid it is to shoot someone once, then deag them, and the same to another.
You'd just be liability using a one projectile at a time weapon that only does 80 damage to a player.
Bows are fine just the way they are right now. They don't need a buff or nerf.

EDIT: The bow is not effortless. Unlike the deagle and sniper, the projectile doesn't just go straight across the map. It actually arches. (Obviously)

If your problem is them getting away with it easier, I'll just make the bow/arrow leave DNA. I originally wanted to do that, but it 100% slipped my mind. Also do the victims not 'yell' when they die? Every victim should play a fairly audible death sound upon dying to the bow.

Sure at close quarters it can be a lot easier to use, but what weapon isn't though? You're making it sound like it fires like a machine gun. When you shoot you gotta press right click to load an arrow, pull it back then left click to shoot again, it's more complicated to use than a simple hold left click weapon, and a lot slower. To pull back time alone to full power is two seconds. The arrow wont bodyshot kill unless fully charged(it's also the upper body/head only).

So if you miss the first shot, and they notice you shot at them. That gives them over two seconds(now including the time you have to re-load an arrow) to turn around and call you out.

Actually, after investigating, I'm glad you brought this up. I just found a strange issue that allows people to get 1-shot body shot kills while not at full power sometimes. I resolved it and will apply it in the next update though. Making it so you MUST ALWAYS be fully charged to do max damage. (and it takes two seconds to get to fully charged with the bow). I'll also see what I can do about making the arrows and kills from the bow leave DNA.

I accidentally marked face palm while scrolling with my phone :>

But yeah that should help thanks ^^

The Bow is basically a celestial railgun

The damage per shot of the bow when fully charged is better than a regular railgun shot, but when fully charged the railgun has the instakill AOE

I'd recommend having the bow make a sound when you've got it fully charged (if it doesn't)

(10-01-2016, 02:50 PM)Kuro Wrote:  The Bow is basically a celestial railgun

The damage per shot of the bow when fully charged is better than a regular railgun shot, but when fully charged the railgun has the instakill AOE

I'd recommend having the bow make a sound when you've got it fully charged (if it doesn't)

Railgun is hitscan (insta bullet). The bows arrows are physical projectiles though.

(10-01-2016, 03:43 PM)Brassx Wrote:  
(10-01-2016, 02:50 PM)Kuro Wrote:  The Bow is basically a celestial railgun

The damage per shot of the bow when fully charged is better than a regular railgun shot, but when fully charged the railgun has the instakill AOE

I'd recommend having the bow make a sound when you've got it fully charged (if it doesn't)

Railgun is hitscan (insta bullet). The bows arrows are physical projectiles though.

theyre so fast they might as well be bullets at anything but the longest ranges. Theres not much you can do given how slow you move in gmod. maybe lowering the projectile speed could be a thing? :>

They are perfectly fine how they are. They require plenty of skill to use, not only is there alot of bullet drop you have to predict movement. Its not like it has stealth advantages either, it has a loud clear firing sound, leaves a easy to see trail, heavy bullet drop, and has huge penalty to missing your shots

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