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Another unban? [Terminatior Mat]

(10-23-2016, 01:48 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  
(10-23-2016, 01:43 AM)Terminator Matheus Wrote:  I'd like to just leave a comment that, these are the friends I'd be giving up had I said that word, why on earth would I give up and say that if it meant losing friends and people that would stand up for me like this? It'd be insane, senseless, maniacal. I wouldn't put my place here up for almost anything in all honesty.

You have mentioned this three times, message recieved.

Gotcha broski. Anyway, being a bit repetitive because I'm like really stupid today and tired. Sorry.


We should just ban ANYTHING related to race, religion, or nationality. It causes too much drama, and it's pointless.
Umpty Dumpty

(10-23-2016, 01:57 AM)Bezerker Wrote:  We should just ban ANYTHING related to race, religion, or nationality. It causes too much drama, and it's pointless.

"oh hey im jewish"

>instantly perma banned

and with that logic, people who say "merry christmas" should also be banned, since that is a christian only holiday

^^ Either way drama is gunna find it's way either way nowmatter what, we're a server full of mostly guys playing a game that easily has some really off ruling sometimes, not to imply FRG's rules are bad but the rules of TTT are.. they can be kinda unwritten and I feel we need to cover everything thoroughly. I do agree that n*gger should not be allowed what so ever and it's unexcusable to say. But as the others have said we really do need to cover racism more, I don't think we should take it in such a horribly sensitive way though, the world's changin' and right now it's just becoming more sensitive, unnecessarily so. Anyway for now I'm just gunna be a bit, quieter.


you guys do know that all nigga is is "nigger" said in a more racist, stereotypical black person accent... right?

how does that make it acceptable.... what...???

.... what actually???? .... huh???

that'd be like "oh hey guys, cracker isnt acceptable, but if you say CRACKA then its okay".

i am so confused

Quote:» Racism | CONTEXT is CRUCIAL when it comes to deciding a punishment. This can be a warning to a perma ban. It all depends on the context. If you are unsure, contact a higher staff or Brassx/Grassx.
I have updated the staff punishment guide to include this, any objections?

Again the reason why we are a little 'loose' on the rulings, is because of a few things. Context determines a lot when it comes to this. We do not want to be some super stressful environment, where a minor slipup will get you banned. Our goal here from the get-go was to be more laid-back than other servers, but not so laid back that we allow straight disrespect/racism.

I personally believe If it's not directed at someone personally, the severity should go down quite a bit. Not to say that it's "Okay" but to let them know "Hey, that's not allowed, please refrain from making such statements.". OBVIOUSLY, the more times someone breaks a rule, the more severe a 'minor slipup' can be seen as.

(10-23-2016, 02:07 AM)Terminator Matheus Wrote:  ^^ Either way drama is gunna find it's way either way nowmatter what, we're a server full of mostly guys playing a game that easily has some really off ruling sometimes, not to imply FRG's rules are bad but the rules of TTT are.. they can be kinda unwritten and I feel we need to cover everything thoroughly. I do agree that n*gger should not be allowed what so ever and it's unexcusable to say. But as the others have said we really do need to cover racism more, I don't think we should take it in such a horribly sensitive way though, the world's changin' and right now it's just becoming more sensitive, unnecessarily so. Anyway for now I'm just gunna be a bit, quieter.

It's not practical, to cover EVERYTHING thoroughly.. There's an infinite number of situations, and scenarios. That's why we have staff members, not only to enforce these 'base line rules', but to use their OWN judgement to determine what can fall under what. But People make mistakes, and that's why we have these sections.

(10-23-2016, 02:11 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
Quote:» Racism | CONTEXT is CRUCIAL when it comes to deciding a punishment. This can be a warning to a perma ban. It all depends on the context. If you are unsure, contact a higher staff or Brassx/Grassx.
I have updated the staff punishment guide to include this, any objections?

Again the reason why we are a little 'loose' on the rulings, is because of a few things. Context determines a lot when it comes to this. We do not want to be some super stressful environment, where a minor slipup will get you banned. Our goal here from the get-go was to be more laid-back than other servers, but not so laid back that we allow straight disrespect/racism.

I personally believe If it's not directed at someone personally, the severity should go down quite a bit. Not to say that it's "Okay" but to let them know "Hey, that's not allowed, please refrain from making such statements.". OBVIOUSLY, the more times someone breaks a rule, the more severe a 'minor slipup' can be seen as.

That was a much needed change. Anyway, to another point, I don't really see Nield's proof in any of this aside from someone saying they heard it, in accordance with this brand spankin' new rule update, I would have not directed it at anyone at that moment anyway. I'd say the new update on it is better tho.


SO why is he still banned? I'm confused, are you just trying to get like witnesses or something?

(10-23-2016, 02:11 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
Quote:» Racism | CONTEXT is CRUCIAL when it comes to deciding a punishment. This can be a warning to a perma ban. It all depends on the context. If you are unsure, contact a higher staff or Brassx/Grassx.
I have updated the staff punishment guide to include this, any objections?

Again the reason why we are a little 'loose' on the rulings, is because of a few things. Context determines a lot when it comes to this. We do not want to be some super stressful environment, where a minor slipup will get you banned. Our goal here from the get-go was to be more laid-back than other servers, but not so laid back that we allow straight disrespect/racism.

I personally believe If it's not directed at someone personally, the severity should go down quite a bit. Not to say that it's "Okay" but to let them know "Hey, that's not allowed, please refrain from making such statements.". OBVIOUSLY, the more times someone breaks a rule, the more severe a 'minor slipup' can be seen as.

(10-23-2016, 02:07 AM)Terminator Matheus Wrote:  ^^ Either way drama is gunna find it's way either way nowmatter what, we're a server full of mostly guys playing a game that easily has some really off ruling sometimes, not to imply FRG's rules are bad but the rules of TTT are.. they can be kinda unwritten and I feel we need to cover everything thoroughly. I do agree that n*gger should not be allowed what so ever and it's unexcusable to say. But as the others have said we really do need to cover racism more, I don't think we should take it in such a horribly sensitive way though, the world's changin' and right now it's just becoming more sensitive, unnecessarily so. Anyway for now I'm just gunna be a bit, quieter.

It's not practical, to cover EVERYTHING thoroughly.. There's an infinite number of situations, and scenarios. That's why we have staff members, not only to enforce these 'base line rules', but to use their OWN judgement to determine what can fall under what. But People make mistakes, and that's why we have these sections.

I feel like if no one else can step forward to say if he said it or not, he should be unbanned or at least ban shortened like I got. It makes no sense to have someone banned from one persons word with no body to back them up, I understand you trust your admins words, but maybe Nield misheard?

Hey, words are words. IF he slipped up and said something rude, that's a shame, but as long as it isn't with the intention to hurt/insult/etc, then its just a word and it just came out. Brass, your "» Racism | CONTEXT is CRUCIAL" makes perfect sense in that scenario. OF course, I wasn't there; so this is just my opinion. I've said some dumb, dumb things on the server, but I'd never direct them as an insult. I rely on more unique bullying rather than simply...Derogatory terms to minorities and/or etc.

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