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MrWuwu |Meta Gaming Complaint|

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):
Steam ID of Offending Player(s):
Map the event happened on:
Teen Bedroom
Date of event:
11/22 9 p.m - 10:30 p.m PST
What Happened?:
Meta gaming by saying quote "Wanna farm xp guys?", and then "no admin is on"
Alex Summers, TJ1524
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=804717501 - The Screenshot on my profile
http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/96095019435092560/637966DF716C85BF4E12211930EAB8251FCB5986/ - The Zoomed in version of the screenshot.

Was it honestly that big of a deal to you that he questioned if anyone wanted to, got told he shouldn't because Alex was still there, and then nothing else happened?

Nothing happened because of this, so why does text matter?

Also, you don't metagame just by saying "do you want to: ". Metagaming is more complicated than that.

This has to be IF NOT one of the Top 10 Dumbest Reports on FRG (WatchMojo.com)

Literally he made a joke.
Umpty Dumpty

+1 for zoomed in version of screenshot. I couldn't see the other one.

This honestly wasn't something to make a report on. He never actually did anything. When he said it, I told him no and explained that it was against the rules. All he did was say it, probably as a joke. Either way, he never actually tried to do anything

Lmao he had asked me yesterday when playing on dolls. I said no. I farm exp every round on my T round. But yeah meta gaming is in my top 5 no no things.
SG Fucking Overlord

Weather it was a joke or not, its not cool to joke around about breaking the rules. just like saying "I'll ddos the server". even if you're joking you can still get banned. same with what Mr.Wuwu did, suggested to break the rules and exploit the exp system, to farm c: maybe im overthinking it. but thats my side. dont ban him, big warning and watch him closely
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

I don't think it's really needed to punish him as he didn't metagame.

I don't see the point in reporting something someone has said unless they are threatening the server, being racist, being disrespectful to others, or spamming.

If he said that and then everyone agreed and then set up some kind of boosting party then that would be much different

(11-24-2016, 03:09 PM)Cuckbois2001 Wrote:  Weather it was a joke or not, its not cool to joke around about breaking the rules.
I don't see a problem with joking about breaking the rules, I joke about it sometimes too.

Every time I join the discord I always ask "who wants to ghost". It's obviously a joke, but I can see why it's confusing when other people say it.

It's just a part of being in lax community, no need to take it seriously all the time.

In my opinion, him joking about metagaming is a huge difference between joking about ddosing the server, because that can be taken as a threat. Metagaming obviously is not a good thing, but he didn't do it, and for xp it doesn't seem like a huge deal if he's just joking about it. Take it from me, I jokingly say I'm hacking if I'm asked and it's not true, but it's just for fun (plz dont report). Whether Wuwu meant to actually metagame or not, it didn't happen. It's a TTT server, not a government, so I don't think it would be right to ban or punish someone with "intent to metagame".

I'd rate this joke a solid 2/10. No punishment necessary, Kuro explained it pretty well. Closed.

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