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What would you like to see on TTT?

I just like playing TTT as it is. When the standard guns are filled with bows, staffs, weird weapons and stuff it becomes less of a murder-mystery suspense thriller and more into an arcade game. Which isn't bad, but the default guns are really satisfying and fun. FRG, for me, has and always will be at its peak, yet I still enjoyed the early days more.

We'd play for hours and go watch some guy get a 470 coin drop and freak out. Everyone would be hype, crates would be bought. Suddenly 500 coins is what "noobs" have. When people can hit 50,000 and the going prices of guns just constantly change it really seems uninteresting. I have more fun playing TTT for what it is now than the inventory system as a whole. There's just too much for me now and I can't have fun with it, I don't want to have to manage being killed with random weapons and special abilities. Its more fun to sleuth around and watch your back, keeping an eye out for the Traitor while trying to find a good weapon off the floor.

But, eh, that's just me. Suffixes also tilt me.

TTT is really fun because of how you're basically playing out a mystery. With a couple of cool guys on a server you can have some crazy fun. When twenty people are on its just a clusterfuck of who's going to hold down Mouse 1 first. I mean, I'm not saying FRG should regress or anything, but that's just why I don't find it fun. Also, I hate the sounds of the new guns blech.

Oh, having more than one server would be nice simply to avoid irritating or cancerous players. We all have a person or a few that we don't like. 90% of the times I decided to avoid FRG was/is because one of them will be on.

Edit: Oh yeah also gimme more Voslom, I loved that. Top tier. Just make it fast, man. Wall jumps, sprinting speed, double jumps and loads of mobility. Castlevania style, y'know? You had that idea going and it seemed great!

I still really want to see a type of challenge scroll idea, such as you had talked about before. I think that might help bring interest into wanting to play ttt itself.
And maybe another type of minigame boss round, like dragon but not 1 person vs the rest of the server, but maybe the entire server vs. an AI? Just a thought, and it might be limited to certain maps because of it (maybe one special map, a well-made one that's optimized and such, and has a low chance to show up in the mapvote section but has a good chance each round to spawn the boss fight (maybe 1-10/1-15?).
When a dragon round begins.


I'd love to see some more TTT exclusive things such as TDM/ clue scrolls in the short term.

I think the recent update of trying to make TTT more lucrative is a step in the right direction, I would really enjoy if you could bring it up more and bring survive down a bit more and perhaps remove the cooldown entirely.

It would be great if there was more focus on new players and making the server more friendlier to them, it's hard to imagine being new nowadays

Perhaps a step to make the server a bit more open to new players would be to completely redesign Starter Weapons. I could make them 'enhancable' and allow them to be a pretty good weapon to use, but maybe have them expire after a set time? Or after a certain level? Surely by then they should have themselves a decent weapon.

But I agree with adding more T/D items. That's always fun to play with, but I'll be honest when I say I'm pretty burnt out on TTT development, hence why I've been focusing on things outside of TTT for awhile now. However, I'm more than willing to jump into it and add some new and exciting TTT stuff.

I really wanted to make TDM its own gamemode, for those who don't want to play TTT to reach level 10 to do some of the events and what not. Some people just don't enjoy TTT, but it is our main source of new players, and it has been quite awhile since I've added anything major to it.

More Orbs/ Misc slot items (They seem pretty useless right now and most of the time I forget I even have an orb on). More unique weapons has already been said a ton so i'll say it (This includes melees because melees are pretty stale and it'd be fun to have *Cough* upgradeable crowbars *cough* ). Maybe a new boss round? One that doesn't fly and is a bit tactical. Different types of quests and titles would be awesome (Like a million titles please). Since coins are becoming easier to get add a new "coin sink" in, the enhanceable crate worked well with that.

I really think TTT is just one of those gamemodes that is increasingly harder to "get into" so I think eventually branching into a new gamemode will happen , but either way I enjoy the work you do Brass. Thanks for reading.

As someone who has found the server after coming back from a long time and find out about the level restriction and having to grind out to get to level 10 in order to access other things. It's hell.

Without me knowing other people from NTG like Fancy and meeting new people through Fancy I don't think I would've stuck around. Newer players are at such a severe disadvantage to veteran players that TTT becomes more of a chore and leveling becomes painful, rather than actually wanting to play for fun.

A ranking system,every month like on the leader board there's score,and that should be added up every game and every time you get say top 50 or something you get rewards and the higher the score the better the rewards. Kinda like servers on cs:go with the points and when you kill someone with higher points than you get a partial amount of their points.


Brass you could always make a roblox game, that uses lua :^)

there should be different misc items. other than the orbs. instead of runes you use to your character. maybe a rune you can add to your load-out to increase a small aspect of your game play. 5% mobility to guns. 1 more clip added to all equipped guns (excluding bow and railgun) very small buffs. as for newbies. Give them a small boost.
As I was writing it. I was thinking of a name for these small buffs. Artifacts. It can be something small with power. a feather, jump height increased by 5%. Sneakers(Jordans kappa) speed increased by 1%.
The artifacts will be small amounts to still give crystals a use. 5% isnt much for jump height. add a jump crystal and its like. 45%? I think. these cool small things.

to new players all they have are shitty starter (Standard) guns. Give them umpf.. enhancable is a good idea.

More unique guns. nothing fancy. bows are cool and all, but like terran said. more normal guns are pretty cool.

Distress. I disagree with the leader board thing. that'll just make everything too competitive, rather than fun. People already get salty when you become "try hard" plus. if you are just plain bad at the game and score low on the leader board. that'll just leave room for people to attack you with that (If you happen to make enemies)

I agree with chosen's enhancable crowbars. it should be 0 of all stat. and we should be able to upgrade it however we choose. that could be the same with starter guns. 0 of all stat and we can choose how we upgrade it.
Speaking of enchancable. why is angelic so fucking hard to upgrade?
You can probably finish a good mastery quest if you go for fully upgrading an angelic. and before anyone tells me. "its way better than demonic. leave it as it is."
Yeah its better than demonic but why does it have to get harder to level after 2 upgrades. 2% for the first 2 levels. 1% for 3-4. 0.5% 5-6. 0.25% 7-8. Why? its too much to level an angelic. /rant

Maybe a new crate is due. with new tiers. these doctorates. otterlys are cool. but time to spice it up. new names. suffix's. eh, don't need a new one. new tiers to keep things interesting will be enough.
Forerunner package 2 when?

I took my time to write this entire thing. feedback will be nice. Any additions for this huge reply PM me or give feedback in reply's


P.S. Remove Third in krampus
Love, Bezerker

Edit: For the love of all things holy. Please don't add skins. I hated them in NTG and CS:GO. I'll hate them here.
Love, Leo

Edit 2: We can also give new players a choice of what gun they want to start with. rather than it being completely random and they have no choice of what to start with. give them the choice of what gun they want to start with. after the choice. they cannot change it. or give them a "Start crate" Only obtainable for playing the server for the first time. full of the starter weapons only. that way, they get the crate experience without paying and its kinda cool

Edit 3: Nerf the bloodfury
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Bump on my idea's Think its a cool thingy
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

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