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Big Grin 
Brass hinted on having more uniques (NOT GODLIKES) so here are some of my ideas I guess.

Black Sabbath
Description/Lore: Something tells you that the very act of holding this weapon is a sin itself.
Legendary AUG with a crimson, fleshy texture. The unique thing about it is that while scoped in, it greatly increases accuracy (Since AUG scopes are useless) and has a 1 in 5 chance of inflicting bleed that deals 10-20 damage, however fires much slower (like 40% slower) and the gun automatically exits scope mode and locks you out from using it for a short time if you reload/run out of clip while scoped. The scoped-in accuracy would be like a Rifle with +15% Accuracy.

Description/Lore: Bible Verses are engraved on the right side of the receiver.
Primordial P228 (NOT THE FIVE-SEVEN AKA THE PISTOL) with a golden texture (like the Lunar texture). Unique ability is that it deals more damage the higher your health (basically the opposite of the Bloodfury, but it's effect is SLIGHTLY higher). In addition, it deals extra damage to users wielding Demon weapons (Demonic Guns and the Demon Bow). However, it deals LESS damage to users wielding Angel weapons (Angelic Guns and Angel Bow).

Viva la Revolution
Description/Lore: Surrender isn't an option, for once.
Legendary Famas with a silver/white texture. Unlike other Famas, this one is full-auto, not burst-fire. No real abilities or traits, but is mostly just a fast firing Famas with Auto-Mode.

Holy Matrimony
Description/Lore: We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of my bullets and your heart. Amen.
Primordial MP5 (Can only get from Seraph Crates). Unique ability/trait is that it deals extra damage on body shots, but significantly less to any other body part, including head (Put into perspective, a headshot would only deal about 20 damage, an arm shot about 10 damage, and legs only 5ish)

Description/Lore: Only the wicked and the pure of heart can resist this weapon's grasp.
Primordial TMP (Can only get from Leviathan Crates). Unique ability/trait is it deals more damage to innocents, but less to traitors and detectives.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
Description/Lore: Doesn't come with electric shock pads.
Legendary Mac-10 with a light green texture (like the Distinguished texture). Unique ability is that by having rightful kills, you receive HP every minute. Effect differs depending on role: Innocents gain 50% HP, Detectives gain 75%, and Traitors gain 50%. The amount of rightful kills needed also is dependent on role, with Innocents and Detectives only needing 1, while Traitors need at least 3. So as not to delay the rounds, the effect only activates every minute BEFORE Overtime, meaning it won't activate during Overtime. The effects also stack, meaning you can overheal, with a maximum health of 200, although the health will slowly decrease back to 100 once you've taken any kind of damage. A cute little addition could be that when it heals it could play the health station sound.

Other ideas (Non-unique weapon ideas)

New tier called Cannibalistic, with a cool feature. Not sure how to describe it, but basically if an AK-47 was rolled as a Cannibalistic AK-47, it would ALWAYS have the extra damage to AK-47s. So, the tier makes the weapon type deal extra damage to users wielding the same weapon type.

New Det Item, Heat-Vision Goggles. Highlights cloaked traitors in your field of view. Cons are that it has a non-rechargeable charge, with a duration of 1 minute. It can be activated the same way as a traitor activating a disguiser, via the Credit Menu or hotkey.
Umpty Dumpty

I HATE Godikes!!!!!

instead of uniques why not new tiers in gnereal
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

feedback would be cool.
Umpty Dumpty

i think they are pretty well balanced, except for the clergyman, what are the p228 base stats? because if a traitor at max health can basicly have a one shot headshot rapid fire gun, it seems like your just making a rapid fire deagle, other than that +1

(01-02-2017, 05:44 PM)Angry_Reaper Wrote:  i think they are pretty well balanced, except for the clergyman, what are the p228 base stats? because if a traitor at max health can basicly have a one shot headshot rapid fire gun, it seems like your just making a rapid fire deagle, other than that +1

Well if we were going by CSS stats, every gun would 1 hit to the head unless you had body armor.

I think having Cannibalistic as a new tier would be very cool, very good idea and thought behind the name and effect. Perhaps putting a desirable addition on only cannibalistic tier weapons would be smart so it would trigger people to wanting to use it, therefor more cannibalistic weapons equipped at the same time.

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