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How you can be Awesome too!!! PLEASE READ ALL!!!

Big Grin 
Well good afternoon FRG! I hope you all are having a fantastic day and are keeping warm!(Its freezing in NY). Any who I wanted to reach out to the community and speak my mind on a few topics of importance to myself. First and for most lets all just take a second to say THANK YOU to Brass and Grass for everything they do for this community. Sometimes I think we take for granted the fact that they put their heart and soul into running this community and to give you and myself and new players a place to have fun, make friends and in my eyes relax after a long day. Now when most people think about a game/gaming server they do not put much thought in what happens behind the scenes. This includes the time, money and energy that Brass and grass put into the server. They cannot, I repeat cannot do this all on their own. WE CAN HELP! There are simple and easy steps that you and I as players of the community can take to help keep our community a fun place, continue to grow and most importantly, KEEP THE SERVER ALIVE. Now do not get take this the wrong way, donations are a huge support to the server but this is not the only thing that can be done by players and members of the community. Let me give you some ideas on things you can do to help without taking much time or energy out of our day but really making it a lot less stress on Brass/Grass.

1) As regular players and members of the community remember you are the face of FRG. New players discover our server all the time and its up to us to show them why its a great place to play! Say hi to new joiners and give them some help such as letting them know how to open their inventory, equip weapons and overall get their foot in the door. If they have questions or do not understand rules do not be toxic or hateful towards them, remember we all were new to TTT at one point or another and it can be frustrating figuring out a new game let alone a server with unique rules as well Smile! So be helpful to our newbies and keep those new faces around!

2) Brass and Grass cannot be on the server all the time and thus they rely on the members/staff and regular players of the server to give their input when it comes to things like Member and Staff applications, complaints, and even suggestions on the forums. Lets all do our part and give a helping hand by simply giving our opinion on these matters by posting to the forums threads in these categories. For example if you apply for member you want people to respond correct? Of course we all would, so if you want this same courtesy on your applications pay it forward and do the same for others. This greatly helps Brass and grass make these decesions and leads to growing our community and help to keep the servers free of rule breakers and trolls by ensuring staff is being moved into places we need them! It is not Brassxs fault if he cannot rely on the community to give feedback on these applications and we do not have enough staff and such to handle the server. This should not be an issue but remember, its up to you to help the community out with your feedback!

3) So lastly I will say donations are something Brass or Grass will never ask for but I will put this out there, its not free to run the servers and every bit helps to keep the server going that we all love and enjoy so much. So maybe you skip a few candy bars for the week and have an extra five bucks, even this can help continue keeping the server running and online! Do not be the person who thinks "well someone else will do it so I do not have to worry about it" because if we all think like this, then no one is doing it and in the end we lose what we love so much! So if you can help be Awesome (like my name leeeedle) and give back to the community that gives you so much Smile!

This is just my two cents and I will put a disclaimer at this point, This was written and opinionated by Awesome, No one else asked demanded or hinted that this should be done and it is completely my own opinion on what we as a community can do better for our server. I hope you all have an awesome day and I will see you on the servers Cool

How much did brass pay you to make this post... Kappa

It doesn't very much help when you know most level 1s are going to RDM. :C

ill say it now so others dont have to



also, yes, it's really cold here in NY. send help pls

But seriously. Please fucking post on applications. It makes our lives that much easier. EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU'VE POSTED ON THEM, RE POST.

(01-05-2017, 07:55 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  It doesn't very much help when you know most level 1s are going to RDM. :C

Do not go in it with that mindset TJ, and plus rdm doesnt always mean they are doing it on purpose they could really just not understand the rules...doesnt make them a bad person and they could end up being a really enjoyable member of the community one day.

When I first got into TTT I got slain a few times back in the day before I had the rules down, and then I met some of my favorite online people when everyone was very helpful to explain what I did wrong and how I could progress in the game while still following rules and having fun. Keep calm and be Awesome.

(01-05-2017, 08:24 PM)Grassx Wrote:  But seriously. Please fucking post on applications. It makes our lives that much easier. EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU'VE POSTED ON THEM, RE POST.
Also for member apps don't just quote someone else's response.

(01-05-2017, 08:28 PM)Awesome Wrote:  
(01-05-2017, 07:55 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  It doesn't very much help when you know most level 1s are going to RDM. :C

Do not go in it with that mindset TJ, and plus rdm doesnt always mean they are doing it on purpose they could really just not understand the rules...doesnt make them a bad person and they could end up being a really enjoyable member of the community one day.


I bet you can count more RDMs and leaves than you have fingers on a normal day. Of course there's going to be people who want to learn, and who make mistakes. But you have to also understand theres alot of people who think its a fun time to RDM on purpose and then when they get caught, they leave.

(01-05-2017, 08:24 PM)Grassx Wrote:  But seriously. Please fucking post on applications. It makes our lives that much easier. EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU'VE POSTED ON THEM, RE POST.

(01-05-2017, 09:03 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  
(01-05-2017, 08:24 PM)Grassx Wrote:  But seriously. Please fucking post on applications. It makes our lives that much easier. EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU'VE POSTED ON THEM, RE POST.
Also for member apps don't just quote someone else's response.

BOTH OF ALL OF MY YES TO THESE 2. Seriously. Give your own opinion or dont give one at all. Just quoting someone else is like jumping on a meme train and saying i really dont care regardless. Voice your own opinion and use that chance to do such. And always, A L W A Y S Remember, dont be afraid to -1, have a good reason for it though, but make sure if you do -1 you tell them why. No one can fix a problem they dont know they have, often times its honestly overlooked because of how people think. So if they goofing, tell them so, itll show they care if they go back and fix it to prove they are worthy.
Vanished from life

(01-05-2017, 09:13 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  
(01-05-2017, 08:28 PM)Awesome Wrote:  
(01-05-2017, 07:55 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  It doesn't very much help when you know most level 1s are going to RDM. :C

Do not go in it with that mindset TJ, and plus rdm doesnt always mean they are doing it on purpose they could really just not understand the rules...doesnt make them a bad person and they could end up being a really enjoyable member of the community one day.


I bet you can count more RDMs and leaves than you have fingers on a normal day. Of course there's going to be people who want to learn, and who make mistakes. But you have to also understand theres alot of people who think its a fun time to RDM on purpose and then when they get caught, they leave.

Essentially this was my point of saying dont come into it with this mindset. Sure there are people who are going to rdm but think of it like this do you go around everyday life assuming someone is about to rob you? Robberies happen everyday but we dont go out in the streets with the mindset anyone new I see today is going to rob me. We assume people are coming to enjoy the server and hey even if their intention was to rdm or be toxic our positive attitude could turn this around with the newbie. Staff is in place to handle the trolls but we cannot assume everyone is a troll or else we never will grow.

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