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Onuris feedback

I know godlike suggestions are typically frowned upon but this regarding changes to an already existing godlike which I think should be fine.

Before I get into this I want to mention that I'm probably the servers most notable SG user, I'm quite experienced with the ins and outs of the weapon and I think my opinion generally means something on this topic. I want the Onuris to be a respectable godlike as it's may be the only godlike sg we ever get.

Right now the Onuris sits in an awkward spot, usage wise it's not good as a godlike and it's not great as an SG, it's just sort of there. It has a unique look, but one that most would call horrendous. The stats leave a lot to be desired and the suffix is pretty horrible. I feel as if though it's been given a short end of the stick out of the gate, it's received one touchup already to the stats but that's about it.

First off I want to start with the looks. While I was really excited to see a godlike sg and one with bone features I feel like it's disappointed quite a lot visually. For lack of better description it looks like a skeleton had their torso pushed through it's pelvis and there was a gun barrel shoved in to make it function. I feel like the skull scope was a cool feature for the deathbringer but having it here is just unneeded.

The SG552 appeals to me because it's small and compact, the original is very pleasing to look at but this new design thematically works against that. I understand that it's to do with a war god but this design just does not work. Here I have overlapped my SG onto the Onuris to compare the size, and the Onuris takes 2-3x more space than the original SG.

For the design I would highly recommend something more smaller that has bony details rather than an entire skeleton crammed into a gun.

As a godlike I feel like it should be the upper end of it's weapon line but not make it the absolute best. Right now it's outclassed by a sorrowful SG with contagion which is absolutely disappointing. The combination of negative reload speed, no clip stat and an already small magazine size makes it a very painful weapon to use there is way too many negatives.

Here's are my proposed stats for the Onuris

-35% accuracy <- Theme wise this gun should NOT be accurate and it mirrors the tartarus' +35% accuracy
+20% damage <- no more no less
+4-8 clip <- this is very badly necessary to the gun for it to be even somewhat viable
+22% firerate <- basically I swapped around the damage and firerate currently
-50% deploy speed <- you should not be able to switch quickly into this gun and 12% is absolutely nothing
+8% Mobility <- this is good already
-25% stability
-20% reload speed

Leave your comments regarding the Onuris whether it be feedback or your opinion. I'd really love to see some changes made.

are you actually complaining about how much space it takes up?

jesus christ

Also, from Terran: "Brassx is trying to compensate for something"

(01-07-2017, 01:11 AM)tobiasxz Wrote:  are you actually complaining about how much space it takes up?

jesus christ

No I'm saying the gun as a whole needs a whole look at it.

As for the model, when held it is 2-3x larger than the original. I'm pointing out this theme does not work out on this gun.

i agree with the suffix for sure because its pretty underpowered to be honest, the stats are good, the deploy speed would make more sense and id like to see it have a higher clip too but i was thinking like 10 extra bullets. And id like to see a remodel because it really does take up like a quater of your screen. i thought maybe the ball could have no base damage but as it hits you, you get hit with some type of effect like bleeding. but it would also launch you so it would go along with the name, thats just my opnion though as i have used it the most

Also, from Brassx a while ago(paraphrasing)

"Not every godlike needs to be the best gun in the game or OP."

(01-07-2017, 01:19 AM)tobiasxz Wrote:  Also, from Brassx a while ago(paraphrasing)

"Not every godlike needs to be the best gun in the game or OP."

I agree, and if you read my post you would see that.

You're not contributing anything to this thread

I've been told that the suffix is actually meant to do something else and it's not currently working so I'll remove that part of my suggestion.

So, just because it's an sg it deserves to be better? That's dumb and really biased. The gun right now is perfect the way it is, sure, it might be less useful than your op bleed sg, but it's a GODLIKE UNIQUE. Not OH ITS AN SG IT DESERVES TO AT LEAST AS GOOD AS THE TART.
Umpty Dumpty

(01-07-2017, 01:33 AM)Bezerker Wrote:  So, just because it's an sg it deserves to be better? That's dumb and really biased. The gun right now is perfect the way it is, sure, it might be less useful than your op bleed sg, but it's a GODLIKE UNIQUE. Not OH ITS AN SG IT DESERVES TO AT LEAST AS GOOD AS THE TART.

keep ridin that brassx cock bez

i know you love it Wink

(01-07-2017, 01:33 AM)Bezerker Wrote:  So, just because it's an sg it deserves to be better? That's dumb and really biased. The gun right now is perfect the way it is, sure, it might be less useful than your op bleed sg, but it's a GODLIKE UNIQUE. Not OH ITS AN SG IT DESERVES TO AT LEAST AS GOOD AS THE TART.

I never said because it's an SG it deserves to be better? I've said it's weak as a godlike and it's not as good as most other SG's.

Please re-read the thread if you're going to be critical of what I've said

Well I will just put a reminder that some of what Kuro is saying is fairly subjective, but I do appreciate the honest feedback.

Anyways, here's my thoughts:

I personally feel the look fits it for the most part(a few tweaks to the ribcage part will do some justice) and feel I did a decent job on it. (For someone who has 0 artistic abilities.) Sure it may be a bit bulky compared to some other stuff, but I can tone down the sizes on some of the bones. It's definitely not intended to look very pretty. Something with bones should look horrendous tbh. But to be blunt, it's not likely I'm remodeling it from scratch just because some of you find it ugly. That's just silly, I put quite a bit of work into making it look ugly after all. ESPECIALLY when all you provide as an alternative are vague suggestions like: 'Make it smaller and have bony details'. Saying that to someone with little to no artistic abilities will get nowhere. Hell, having no in-depth ideas like that would probably even be a pain for an actual artist.

Side note: I don't think you guys understand how much time goes into creating a custom weapon honestly. You have to model it, weight paint it and rig it to an armature, animate it, compile it, then do the same thing for the world model but rescale it and trial-and-error position it based on a R_Hand bone, then make a physics mesh for it. Not to mention texture it, test the compiled MDL files, position attachment nodes, match up sound effects with the animations, recompile with adjustments, recompile to fix any issues over and over again,  create the proper textures and texture maps and then create the VMT/VTF files for things like normal maps, env map masks, and the base texture. That's a condensed list on the steps that go into such things. (I also have to upload all changes to TTT, Lobby, Survive 1, Survive 2, Survive 3, Survive 4, Survive 5, Event 1, Event 2, then Fast DL)
It's easier said than done.

The suffix is bugged. The "Despair" suffix came as a spinoff of this weapons suffix. The energy ball should inflict AoE despair where it lands, and stronger despair upon impact. The energy ball used to also bounce off several surfaces, and didn't 'stick' until the last bounce. If it's doing nothing like this, it's likely something got fucked up or reverted to the very first iteration of my projectile base.

The stats I'm always up for possible reworks and everything, but I will say. Godlikes don't have to be the top of the line in their weapon category, they aren't meant to always be practical. Sometimes they are more for show.

I will get to messing with this when I finish my changes with the Snowglobe.

That being said, how about these changes?


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