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McNuggie's Ban Appeal

Before you auto -1 this, McNuggie(or daniel whatever you want to call him) is a long time friend of mine from NTG and not once have I seen him act out of line. Me myself being banned 4 times on NTG can speak for him that what he did here is mild in my view. I have always loved playing with this dude and would love to see him unbanned. He came to me and asked me for help on his appeal since he is IP banned on the forums. Give him a chance guys.

Steam Name (Current): Daniel

Steam Name (During incident): Probably Daniel at the start of it.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42863376

Steam Profile Link: http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045992480

Name of staff you were banned by: Brassx.

Length of the ban: Permanent IP ban.

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either.

Reason for ban: "Had a chance to be mature about the demotion. Instead decided to be immature. No longer welcome here."

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.

What really happened?: I had been harassing NotChosen for around a week despite numerous warnings from Brassx to stop, so I was therefore demoted from my Admin position. After my demotion, I went on a tantrum and said some things that I regret beyond imagine. If you want all the details go here: http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=4478
I was a power hungry prick, and I harassed people for no reason.

Additional details: I own up to all the mistakes I made completely. Throughout my entire life I don't think that I've done anything more ridiculous and immature towards a group of people that have respected and supported me for years, and I am unbelievably sorry for all the people that I hurt. I understand that my chances of receiving this appeal are practically zero, as I am banned on the forums for a reason and it's been made clear that I am no longer welcome here, but I'm honestly willing to do anything to get a second chance and show that I've really really put the effort into becoming a better person.
I did some really awful things to you guys that I will probably not forgive myself for a long time. I do not want to make excuses for this, it was entirely my fault and they were all conscious decisions made by me, however, I was going through a really tough time during this part of the year.
Through the last couple of months I've done everything possible to turn my behavior around and I believe that I have actually become a better person, and I have proved that to people on other communities that know what I did here (Moat Gaming)
The reason I want to be unbanned is not the same reason that I played FRG in the past, which was because of my staff rank. I want to be unbanned because I really really miss you all beyond imagining, and I spent such a long time on this server that despite the fact that I am no longer part of it, it will always hold a place in my heart. I also really miss playing a TTT server that I actually enjoy and have fun on, I haven't had a good time playing TTT in awhile.

I really can not stress how sorry I am for everything I did. I know I do not deserve another chance, but I have to try. I'll take anything honestly. Keep me banned for another year. Clear my inventory. Do anything. I am sorry.

Sorry no chance from me. He had so many chances to act smart and do the right thing, yet he decided to not listen and got what he deserved.

Nope, never in a 1000 years would I EVER want to Nuggie unbanned.

(Here's the thread of what happened if you haven't seen it: http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=4478&highlight=nuggie+ordeal)

He'll act like he's changed for the first 5~ days, and then go right back his normal self(like he did on NTG). He also lies, deceives people, plays the victim card constantly, and is overall just a rude and ungrateful person. He even attempted to give out my picture after he got banned for literally no reason(which is pretty funny, considering he got on my back for just reposting a picture of him that was on the forums a few months before).

-1, obviously.

And in case you don't believe me, here are some of my favorite experiences with him:

(After he got banned he made an alt with my picture as the name, and PMed me):


This was his bio for about 2~ months after he got banned:

Him spamming my screenshots:

naw m8 -1 from me as well

McNuggie was always nice to me but I can say he had some sort of mental issues. He always sent me snapchats about him being depressed constantly and stuff like that. Even when he was banned he even made different accounts just to harass people on the forums which was pretty bad. To be honest with you I think McNuggie was basically having a mental breaking down when this all happened. While I did like McNuggie and I still consider him a friend, I don't think he should be unbanned so early if at all. It should be AT LEAST a year before he's unbanned after some of the stuff he pulled.

i'm retarded and completely forgot all about the tobias business

as much as I liked you nuggie you didn't cooperate at all. you showed you had no regard for the ones who run the server. you were treated very leniently for the way you acted, receiving as many chances as you did to compose yourself yet didn't make enough of an effort with those chances. this not including the alts you made to harass someone.

conclusion being i dont see you getting unbanned, at least no where in the near future.

When you're a part of the community, you don't do what McNuggie did. You don't abuse specific members and proceed to get banned and then throw a tantrum only to go and become even more mean and abusive. You have to tolerate people and respect them to the best of your ability. What you were going through isn't really relevant to me. I'm a fairly harsh person, and I don't like second chances very much either. Maybe it's just me but the server feels like it has less drama and I don't think it's a coincidence.

Bluntly, I do not want him back.

Where did the magic of "Another Chance" or "Forgiveness" ever go, guys...?

Before you want to notice it... Yes, I don't play on FRG 24/7 (anymore)
I still have a say in this! I think... I hope...

In my opinion, give a FINAL and RESTRICTED (Not allowing staffing or whatever) chance. You people act like Daniel/McNuggie (whatever you want to call him) wants to come back just to do the EXACT same thing, but the truth is, if he wanted to just do the same ol' thing as he did before, he would go do it to another server and wouldn't have actually put effort or heart into his appeal .

I know that all of you don't want to forgive him and such, but seriously... Where did the actually forgiving community I knew and loved way back in the day go?

(01-07-2017, 04:17 AM)❃-Mr. Lonely-❃ Wrote:  Where did the magic of "Another Chance" or "Forgiveness" ever go, guys...?

Before you want to notice it... Yes, I don't play on FRG 24/7 (anymore)
I still have a say in this! I think... I hope...

In my opinion, give a FINAL and RESTRICTED (Not allowing staffing or whatever) chance. You people act like Daniel/McNuggie (whatever you want to call him) wants to come back just to do the EXACT same thing, but the truth is, if he wanted to just do the same ol' thing as he did before, he would go do it to another server and wouldn't have actually put effort or heart into his appeal .

I know that all of you don't want to forgive him and such, but seriously... Where did the actually forgiving community I knew and loved way back in the day go?

who are u

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