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Let's Talk Pt.2

The Megalongdong Great gun. High damage. maybe a little...too...high

Its automatic mode is fine. but its rifle mode. I feel is a bit broken. Though megas arent used much because not too many have dropped. I use it. and it does 88 Damage hs in rifle mode. meaning. one headshot and one body/foot/arm shot is a kill. You shouldnt have 30 bullets to be able to do that

What I suggest is that when in rifle mode. the mega uses 3 bullets instead of 1 (Still does the same damage) That way it doesn't mean you have 30 *Shots* to spare. causing you to use rifle mode more sparingly rather than spamming it and getting that lucky one headshot

Although its a gun I love to use and I don't want to see it nerfed. I have to admit its really broken qualities
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

disagree x1
ultra rare godlike
needs more sharks

- That Thrakos Noob

I have to disagree, I would say yes it is op for a 88 headshot damage to head with 30 bullets to shoot out, but take my heroic rifle as an example, It can one shot headshot and has a 13 bullet clip and I can shoot it pretty fast as a rifle because of the upped firerate, I think having a 30 clip megaladon sniper mode isn't an issue because in a normal ttt situation, you will most likely get caught shooting before you even shoot 10 bullets. In my opinion I think it is perfect how it is.

I have to say I'm not too sure on this one, especially after how much people complained to me about how 'shit' the weapon was. Especially in rifle mode. The firerate doesn't seem quite fast enough to be extremely practical in a 1 on 1 fight. If they get a 'lucky' headshot and kill you, whats the issue? They can do that no matter how many bullets are in the clip, and can do that with plenty of other weapons. Chances are if they need more than 10 bullets to kill you in a fight, you'd have them dead anyways with any other weapon. Especially close range.

Yes, it does do high headshot damage in rifle mode. If they get a headshot, then honestly don't see the big deal. Why? - The default pistol shoots faster, has a large clip(on some tiers close to the meg's clip), is a secondary and does fairly high headshot damage. You can hold left mouse down and just spray it. Deagle can one shot headshot at any range and is a secondary, some tiers have 10+ bullets.

So with that in mind, I feel like making it use 3 bullets in rifle mode could possibly all but kill the weapon's versatility. What you suggested is definitely a good downside to rifle mode, and I'll look into it, but using 3 per shot may be a bit too harsh.

I already had private complaints to BUFF its rifle mode when it was newer, even with the high headshot damage.

Yeah I gotta disagree with this one. If any god likes need a nerf it's the dualies

I do like the 3 bullets per shot in rifle mode idea but as for the megaladon itself needing a nerf I just don't agree with

It's incredibly cool, has a great design, and a sweet suffix. However as a gun it's just not very good. I had one for quite some time but it never felt good to use, it lacked power and was pretty much all style an no substance.

I don't see a problem with it staying the same as it is but I'd say it needs a buff more than a nerf

every time i use it I dont get much value out of it... it's normally better to use my bow in a 1v3 then it since i can rely on it more.. but I think of the mrgaladon as the weakest godlike primary (in my opinion) so -1

I can't kill close range with it and it loses most sniper battles, and snipers rely on one shot to the head and then dissapearjng and killing again, the mrgaladon has that weakness of allowing your opponent to run... bla bla I think its fine rn mabyr a boost in the future idk...
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i think it needs accuracy buff

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