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Member Application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): Insane-Jester-Wisp

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 92 hours and 45 mins

Where did you hear about this server?: From Nemo a few months after it came out of beta.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No i haven't.

Why do you want to join?: I'd like to be apart of the community. So far I've had a good time with people, and I've met new friends. Playing on FRG has been a lot of fun for me recently, usually it's what I spend -most- of my free time on.

Referred by: y0Nemo

Additional Details:

+1, Jester has been very active recently, and has been a lot of fun. I used to play with him on NTG when I first joined, and he's always been a really good friend.

+1 Jester is so fucking useful and helpful whenever someone is on. He is a very friendly user and would represent this server in a positive way

+1 A very large +1. Jester doesn't take the game too seriously, like some people, and when he gets RDMed he more often than not doesn't even want the person slain. He is a fun guy to play with and would be a great representation of the server. +1

+1 been here awhile doesn't play that often but is a good player

+1 Jake said it very well, but I'm really surprised that insane isn't a member as he's been here from the beginning

He's a really great person for member

Iv'e seen Jester around lately and he doesn't cause trouble. He's a cool person. +1

Big ole +1, nothing bad to say. Jester is a great person to be playing with and never causes trouble

+1 i see him on a lot and he is cool and smells like apple jacks

+1, He has been on a lot, and is fun to play with*.

*not to eat

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