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KOS Off Locaition

I shouldn't be commenting on this but this is my view on death scene technology. We have it on ntg and i can say on kos off location it's hard to tell most the time. Our death scene goes back 10sec and shows shot tracers. Kos off location is a tricky issue that seems to have so many issues that it can't be solved that easy. That is were good staff members come in. Using there knowledge of the players and reading into the story they can tell most the time if it was indeed kos off location or if they saw the person do the act they were accused of. Knowing brass its a matter of time before he makes a system that can help with this problem but i don't think a death scene will help at least not with this issue.

A death scene doesnt make much sense to me on this matter anyways, honestly if anything a kill scene of the reported person would be best. Viewing what they could see in a first person view would be more probable to show what they actually saw leading to the kill. Also things to give away traitors do not always happen right at the time the person kills them. I have had people chase me off location until they could see my player model or weapon whatever they are looking for to confirm their sus (and not follow rules) to unload on me. What it really comes down to is players having respect enough to play by the rules and not take the fun out of the gamemode by taking shortcuts. Do your work as an inno and find proof and all in all make it a fun and friendly place we all can have a good time at.

Final cam can help only if it was right in the last moments, but alot of time its across the map and such. But as it is a laggy resource, all we can really do is listen to an explanation.. however half the time its a rage of KOS of Location fit and you cant make sense out of it.
I just get tired of "YOu kos off location ahrahgbrhgarh" when i turn around getting shot at from behind, who doesnt turn around and spray in defense?
And yeah, it would be nice to have something that could help in logs.. Maybe a script that shows in logs they saw the persons name? While this would only fix half the issue, at least you can say you saw them not assumed it was them when they were infact disguised and kos off location. Im sure theres a gui render script inside ttt that you could make it re-read or something like that, When you look at someone you see name, health status, karma status, that has to be scripted somewhere and maybe it could help? Idk.
Vanished from life

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