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Buff Plasma Nades

They came out with barnacles and beartraps but they are the worst of the bunch.

The blast radius is incredibly small it seems like. It actually requires some skill to accurately hit someone who's moving. When somebody throws one if it's not stuck directly to you then it's not even remotely a threat, if you even hear it thrown just move sideways a few feet and you'll survive it.

A lot of times they're just a waste of a traitor point because they're too weak to kill anybody let alone flush someone out of a camping spot.

Also replace bouncy mayhem with plasma nade dodgeball

sometimes you can actually survive it when it gets stuck to you when you look down at the floor. They do deserve a little buff.


I think it's fine the way it is. The blast radius just seems incredibly small mainly because other traitor weapons
such as the remote bomb and OBC have ridiculous range, and that's what most people are used to. If you actually take the time
to aim and use it correctly, it's a pretty decent T weapon.

-1 on plasma grenade dodgeball, gives me flashbacks of getting hit by plasma grenades, let alone having people's balls spammed at
me from multiple different directions.

(02-16-2017, 03:53 AM)feks Wrote:  I think it's fine the way it is. The blast radius just seems incredibly small mainly because other traitor weapons
such as the remote bomb and OBC have ridiculous range, and that's what most people are used to. If you actually take the time
to aim and use it correctly, it's a pretty decent T weapon.

-1 on plasma grenade dodgeball, gives me flashbacks of getting hit by plasma grenades, let alone having people's balls spammed at
me from multiple different directions.

I think each of the explosive T weapons have their own niches, just the Plasma is one without much of a purpose.
Jihad is an all or nothing close range blast, it's very loud and the blast radius is pretty big.
C4 is more strategic and it's fairly balanced by the fact that it takes 45 seconds the blast is very powerful.
Remote bomb is more stealthy so you've got to quickly place it and run to cover before using.
OBC has 5 uses and it takes time to charge but it's arguably the most precision based.

My problem is how the plasma nade slots into this, it's a one time use like most of these other ones but much more difficult to use and less rewarding. It's quite loud and gives you away instantly as it's impossible to miss someone holding a plasma.
It's not as good from a distance as an OBC, not even remotely stealthy like a remote bomb, not strategic like a c4, and nowhere nears as powerful as any of these 3 let alone a jihad.

I'd recommend this: boost the blast radius slightly and make it explode much faster, maybe even on contact?
That way it will have it's own niche of being a speedy weapon

I use the plasma grenade because it's fun and really satisfying when you stick someone. It really isn't THAT difficult and it's a pretty much guaranteed kill if you land it. It acts as a plasma grenade should and shouldn't be turned into a jihad that you can throw.

(02-16-2017, 05:57 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  jihad that you can throw.

Umpty Dumpty

I don't think they need a buff, I buy them every T round I get for the meme of it but they are accurate and don't forget the aspect of them being able to stick to someone and if you are lucky, you can get 2 kills.

Plasma grenades are meant to stick to people, as why they are called ~STICKY GRENADES~
It ain't a holy hand grenade. Ever played Halo? The blast radius isn't suppose to be good, or else it would be a fragmentation <FRAG> grenade.
You have to stick the person for it to work, complaining about the blast radius of a sticky grenade is like complaining about a shotgun having no range.


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