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Daniel/McNuggie ban appeal #2

(04-03-2017, 08:49 AM)Brassx Wrote:  I want to make it VERY clear though: IF, and that's a big IF, you were to be unbanned, you would NOT have the option to have any kind of powers again. I need to make sure you fully understand that, since your rank here was extremely important to you.

Understood entirely.

I'm sorry but after how you treated this community with such disrespect towards the players, the staff members and especially the owners, I don't believe you should be allowed back.

You were supposed to be a role model for the server and you acted like an immature brat over the dumbest things you decided to do yourself.

Why should I trust you to act mature and not act like you use to when you already had that chance and completely blew it?

So, during the ban of Nuggie I took a break from the server. Some of you may look at this comment as ignorance, but after reading Brass' forum post about it all I think I will have a good view on it all without being bias.

From what I've heard and read, you've done some bad stuff. People mature over time and you probably have. Weather you've matured or not, you're is a long way from being a part of the community again. I'm always open to second chances, especially from how long it's been and you wouldn't make this post if you didn't care about FRG.

Direct Notes to Nuggie:
1. If you get unbanned, what's going to happen between you and Tobias. If you two are going to be on at the same time, you need to compromise and find a way to co-exist with him and not be how you were previously.
2. Is there anyway of justifying what you've done?
3. If you to be unbanned, I think you owe some people an apology, and if that is too much to ask then I don't think you're ready. A sincere apology would be the first step in the right direction.
4. You need to understand you'll be on high watch, one slip up and it's over. And there is no third chance.
5. It is stated you will not have a chance to be anything more than a player, understand that.

On another note; I'm glad to see people are leaning towards a second chance, I've heard good things about you along with the bad. And I'll be glad to meet you if you're unbanned.

I am standing neutral because I don't think my opinion will be very good for this one. But I hope everyone appreciates my input.

(04-03-2017, 03:58 PM)Britard Wrote:  So, during the ban of Nuggie I took a break from the server. Some of you may look at this comment as ignorance, but after reading Brass' forum post about it all I think I will have a good view on it all without being bias.

From what I've heard and read, you've done some bad stuff. People mature over time and you probably have. Weather you've matured or not, you're is a long way from being a part of the community again. I'm always open to second chances, especially from how long it's been and you wouldn't make this post if you didn't care about FRG.

Direct Notes to Nuggie:
1. If you get unbanned, what's going to happen between you and Tobias. If you two are going to be on at the same time, you need to compromise and find a way to co-exist with him and not be how you were previously.
2. Is there anyway of justifying what you've done?
3. If you to be unbanned, I think you owe some people an apology, and if that is too much to ask then I don't think you're ready. A sincere apology would be the first step in the right direction.
4. You need to understand you'll be on high watch, one slip up and it's over. And there is no third chance.
5. It is stated you will not have a chance to be anything more than a player, understand that.

On another note; I'm glad to see people are leaning towards a second chance, I've heard good things about you along with the bad. And I'll be glad to meet you if you're unbanned.

I am standing neutral because I don't think my opinion will be very good for this one. But I hope everyone appreciates my input.

1. Honestly not too sure. I know that if I am to receive an unban and another chance the first thing I would so would be make direct sincere apologies to all off the people who I causes problems with in the past, especially people such as Tobias, Brass, Grass, Chosen, and Aresuft. I just want to be able to play the server and enjoy being around you guys, and Im willing to make any compromise at all to prevent drama from coming from my unban. Honestly, I'd like to have a private conversation with Tobias to see if we can work things out just in case I do get unbanned, but it's entirely up to him if he's willing. I hold no grudges towards anyone from the time I was banned, as I am aware that the entire scenario was my fault and no one else's.

2. There's absolutely no justifying what I did. The best reason I can give, which even then is not a good one, is because I felt like when I was demoted that the community had betrayed me or something. After a month or so of being banned it became completely obvious that it was not the community who has betrayed me by demoting and banning me, but rather it was I who betrayed the community by acting the way I did. My ban and demotion were entirely my fault and no one else's.

3. Of course. As stated, the first thing I will do is apologize to those that I hurt. I also did post a large apology post right after being banned (which is pretty irrelevant now), but as stated I'll do anything and everything to fix my relations with people who I caused problems with. Apologizing is not an issue, as I've felt nothing but guilt for my actions here for the last 8 months.

4. Fully understood. Hell, ban me if I rdm a single person. Clear my inventory. Make me start new. If I do receive this chance I am fully aware that I will never get another, and I will not fuck that up.

5. Of course. I just wanna enjoy the game and make some friends.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

"Clear my inventory."

easy there buddy u still have a megalodon Sad

- That Thrakos Noob

I'm not sorry in stating that you were an awful person around this, it was apparent and true, but I don't think it was a coincidence. After seeing what brass had put and what I'd heard from people what you sent them (Mine for example: http://imgur.com/a/wE7pk ) I don't think you should ever be allowed to return. What you had done wasn't some "In the moment" type of stuff, this was built up over months and frankly I don't think you've changed one bit (I don't care if I sound like an ass for this because even how you treated people I'm not really friends with or care for , you still burnt down your bridge of ever being allowed back).
-1 , not changing ever.

(Edit): Don't try asskissing. Doesn't work.

(Editx2): Came-up when I was relooking over his "drama recap", he never once apologized to the people (besides Brass/Grass in his BAN APPEAL , Not OUTSIDE A BAN APPEAL) he sent those little PM's to and went out of his way to antagonize or make their time here not pleasant (Posting Toby's face and calling him cancer, sending aresuft a pm to antagonize him as well). So yeah, he only apologized in his ban appeal , not outside of it (That I know of).

I believe McNuggie deserves a second chance. He was a really good person before his demotion when he went and hurt others feelings just because he lost a rank. I do think its a good idea for him to come back, and not get powers ever again, and he should be watched for a couple months at least. +1 to McNuggie unban

I know that I may not have any opinion in this, being a member and all and not being around for this whole drama incident, but McNuggie was there since the beginning of my days on this server, he helped me along the way and I can never forget that. While he is definitely in the wrong in that incident, it's been what? many months? people change over time and personally i'd like to know the real McNuggie/Daniel for the person he is, not what others point him out to be. There should definitely be some precautions if he gets unbanned (inventory wipe, no powers ever again, strict watch on him) he can start again fresh. Let me rephrase that I do not ever condone his behavior shortly after his demotion nor will I ever side with him on that situation, but maybe for once and only this last time, can we look past this? As for the people involved in the drama surrounding him and who may not be on good terms with him, just block him, never speak to him, avoid him at all costs. +1 from me.

-1 Knowing how he has acted and the fact he has done this exact thing multiple times before. (not the same ban reason, but either ban/left then tried to rejoin and continue drama then eventually for one reason or another end up leaving/banned again.)

He has shown personal growth the last time he was on frg though, he was willing to drop drama from between us from NTG. (So there is a possibility that he is a changed nugget)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

I wasn't going to post on this, however I've known nuggie for a long time, I was banned during the whole thing but read the post and was told details about it. I have also had negative personal experiences in the past which few may know, I do not support his unban but I am going to remain neutral and agree with brass but in my own way..

IF you get unbanned I certainly will not be able to trust you, but I will be able to put up with you to reduce drama on my end.

I'm remaining neutral but leaning more towards a -1.

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