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wind - +Membership Application

Steam Name(Current): Wind

Age: 21

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: No

Why would you like to be promoted?: To handle rdm and small conflicts when there are no staff members on

Why do you think we should promote you?: I am very dedicated to the community and wish for it to a happy and welcoming place to everyone

Do you have any administrative experience: admin on ntg, ughh i was a moderator on 2 different large pixelmon servers kek, admin on dark rp server.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): yes

Additional Details: i have been away recently (about 2 days) due to my niece being born but will not stop me from playing.

Putting app on hold.

App is now resumed.

Denied. Feel free to re-apply in the future though, but there's Lots of negatives about your current behavior. If interested I will PM you some of the responses.

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