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All the cool kids undepart anyways.

Hey, I guess this is an undeparture. Ive had some time to reflect upon a couple of things. One of the things being my "saltiness", what started off as an act slowly became my personality. So to anyone who I may have offended and or upset I'm sorry. Another thing I have thought about was my dislike of many members of the community, and to that I have to remember that I can't let bad apples ruin the bunch (You probably know who you are).

Now for some apologies

-Grass, I'm sorry for telling you to shoot yourself and although it was comedic it was also inappropriate.

-Kuro, I'm sorry for hating you for a couple of reasons I can't even remember.

-Bezerker, I'm sorry for hating your guts for a plethora of things.

-Fancy, don't know if you play or not but I'm sorry for bringing my personal issues with you on to the server instead of pm'ing you.

Those are all the ones I can remember at the moment however if anyone else feels they need an apology just pm me and we'll sort it out.

Don't know if I'll be as active as before, but I'm back.

I could never bring myself to hate you A2, no matter how much you hated me. You became a big part of the community, salty or not. I'd LOVE to see you back.
Umpty Dumpty

remove departure section when

also welcome back Big Grin

Omg yay, glad to see you bad a2

Welcome back dood

It honestly never felt like you hated me or anyone else really. There was a few moments of salt overload but I only thought that was normal at the time.

When you departed I honestly felt like I did something to cause it or make you feel that way, and I'm sorry if that's true.

I think everyone needs a lot more chill and it would make for a much better community

Apology accepted, glad to have you back.

They always come back in the end, welcome back to the dark side

Wait, so you are returning?
That's great to hear.
And yeah, while you did flame on me a bit melodramatically for some things, I have to give you the benefit of the doubt in that you were still always right about what you said.
I'm glad to see you've been reflecting on yourself though, and that you're trying to mend yourself for the better.
No hard feelings here, just glad to see you around again. You were always a bunch of fun.
Welcome back! Big Grin
When a dragon round begins.


You hated me too Sad
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Your saltiness always made my day 100% better (The few times i was actually on lol) Cant wait for you to get mad again

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