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Steel Beams Revenge Rdming

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Steel Beams

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:98769029

Map the event happened on: The old version of community pool

Date of event: 5/24/2017 roughly 4:50 PM CST

What Happened?: Steel beams on the previous round had teleported right in front of me in the womens bathroom so I killed him as that's a traitor teleport / nobody had called out access into the T room. The next round he was very upset and salty and followed me for awhile before randomly saying he saw me teleport (when I didn't) and rdm'd me as an innocent. He was innocent as well. This was blatant intentional rdm and revenge rdm at that. Kcat slayed him the next round but this is not the first time Steel Beams has done something like this to me; thus taking it to the forums for awareness.

Witnesses: ShadowPlay? I have it recorded below. Kcat the mod was on and slayed him.


I wish you could've shown us you killing steel before the report, but this looks pretty blatant to me tbh.

(05-24-2017, 10:47 PM)CoachGrump Wrote:  I wish you could've shown us you killing steel before the report, but this looks pretty blatant to me tbh.

why does it matter?

the video still shows clear revenge RDM. there was no reason for steel to kill him.

(05-24-2017, 10:47 PM)CoachGrump Wrote:  I wish you could've shown us you killing steel before the report, but this looks pretty blatant to me tbh.

I know, my shadowplay is only set to the last 5 minutes of gameplay unfortunately.

Steel Beams was pretty salty when I didn't slay 2koreds and the video is very helpful to show that it was obvious revenge rdm. Will have to be careful with that one in the future.

Typically revenge RDM constitutes for a week ban, but seeing as this is a first offense (to my knowledge), I've banned him for 2 days. Closed.

- That Thrakos Noob

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