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Unban Request - 2koreds

Steam Name (Current): 2koreds

Steam Name (During incident): 2koreds

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53173093

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/2koreds

Name of staff you were banned by: Only staff on at the time was EmperorWhale

Length of the ban: Never said.

Yeah so I was just minding my business when EmperorWhale logged on in the middle of a round and banned me in the middle of the round for a reason of which I have no idea. The ban reason was "Ban reason: "You were banned". ".... No time, no reason, no rules broken during the time the ban was issued. Emperor was on for maybe two minutes when this happened.

I don't see you on the ban list. Maybe it was a mistake and he unbanned you?

Uuuuh I have no clue what happened. I just got on a for a second and banned super alloy using the ID in that appeal. It didn't even say I banned you. I'll get on and unban ya though, sorry about that!

Update: He changed his name mid round...

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