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Community Crate Feedback.

Do you still think this process is a good idea?
I feel like it needs to have a stricter theme or objective to the next crate and better thought out balancing. Ideas were all over the place and weren't focused so it felt like a hodgepodge of things that don't fit together. And ban rehashes of pre-existing things since it's boring and defeats the point of the crate which is original community ideas.

There were also too many "useless" items added garbage, raw energy, grandmas cane, faithful ump, heavyweight, average, tracer, huge problem, and cataclysm should be a low tier legendary not a primordial with it's stats and weak effect.
And on the other hand I would argue other things are too powerful. The meteor sword 2 hits vs innos and 3  hits vs armor and guaranteed at least one suffix  making it basically power creep against the leg biter which is a tier higher. Hump De Bump is stupidly powerful in it's current state with how fast it kills. Mirror shield is direct power creep on the other shield.
Camael when it was first added was very overpowered.
And the cerberus is currently the strongest shotgun that exists by far.

Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc)
To put it simply yes.

Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better?
Ban multiple suggestions by one person to promote quality of quantity, ban rehashes, penalties for advertising your own suggestion, addition of better balancing, and honestly just don't have the crate start at rares and above even if it means increasing crate prices. There honestly isn't that many interesting things to do with low tiers.

Also there should be some kind of incentive to vote every day even if it's something small like a single gift package. It would keep people coming back and checking for new ideas.

Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?
It turned out fairly ok. I just think many people were disappointed with what came from what is probably the most money ever spent on a crate when first released. It's just that most of the items just aren't very interesting, and I just don't see many people using any of the items outside of the boomerang which might be my single favorite thing added to the server.

The other most interesting things were the godlikes and we've only even seen 2 of the same one drop. I feel like we should have seen at least both godlikes drop from how much is rolled. It would be nice to see a global pity timer that increases the chance of a godlike to drop if it hasn't after x number of crates have been rolled. This obviously would be completely unbiased from player to player and only the total number of crates rolled from everyone would affect it. This would reset after the godlike drops and possibly only apply until the first one drops.

Do you still think this process is a good idea?
Somewhat. The current system just promotes people spamming their friends to upvote their dumb suggestions to get added(which happened with quite a few items)

Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc)

If there are better regulations on the next crate, then sure, otherwise I'm not too sure.

Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better?
I think with the next crate, you should only be allowed to suggest stats, and not names/rarity. You should be to put down what you think the name/rarity should be, but it should not be guaranteed to be that. A lot of the current items in the crate feel way too memey and dumb, at least their names are. I.E Grandma's Cane, Glock-a-doodle-dont, etc.

I also think that next time the amount of votes an item has should remain hidden, so people don't bandwagon on a single item, and actually upvote stuff they want.

Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?
I think this was a good test run of what it could be, however, as I've stated, I do believe there should be much stricter regulations next time.

(07-01-2017, 06:13 AM)Brassx Wrote:  Personally, I think the boomerang is my favorite item in the crate.

The CC1 was/is a great idea. Having players of the community personally identify with an item that they came up with under their name has been super cool to see. A lot of players are really excited to see their own ideas implemented into the game and feel like they've made a contribution, which is great, and a great motive for people to buy the crate despite how shitty the luck has been with it.
I feel as if we can improve on tightening down on people advertising their suggestion, however. It kind of ruined the idea of everyone's suggestion being anonymous when I'd get 10 steam messages every morning queued up with people asking me to upvote their gun suggestion - and generally they weren't that good, but how could you say no to a friend like that, especially when they offer to upvote your fidget spinner in return?
I feel next time maybe we should skip over the common/uncommon tiers and maybe add more variety in the rare section (those have the most potential imo), but it should definitely be done again.

- That Thrakos Noob

Do you still think this process is a good idea?:
Yea, I like how the CC1 turned out.

Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc):

Yes, only if you don't get to choose the rarity of the weapon you are suggesting.

Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better:

Accept mine lol. I think the people shouldn't choose the rarity of the gun, I think once Brass approves it, he should choose the rarity.

Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?

Yea I like the ideas that the community had come up with, (Not the troll ideas, but I find the chosendactyl funny.) I hoping RNG can be gud to me so I can get some of the cool stuff, or RNG can hate me and I'll get nothing in the community crates. Sad

Do you still think this process is a good idea?
I like the whole idea of a community suggested crate with a lot things that are sought after by the community and cool ideas in general.
I feel like what turned out happening though was a lot of good or somewhat decent ideas that would have been perfect as a lower tier ended up going to waste. Instead of those items we got items that should not have been in the community crate (the average tier for example). I do like the process though even if it could use a bit more work.

Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc)
Absolutely, it's one of my favorite crates right now and I would love to see a second one

Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better?
I don't like that you could see how many people voted on your suggestion, it should remain a secret until the end to avoid people rigging their own. I also would like to see a way to (anonymously?) comment on the suggestion and see what everyone thinks of it and take that feedback into mind too when winners are chosen.

Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?
Overall I'm very pleased with it, there are a ton of good ideas and fun stuff in the crate. I'd like to see more community input on stuff being added rather than one persons idea though.

(07-01-2017, 04:32 PM)Kuro Wrote:  Do you still think this process is a good idea?
I like the whole idea of a community suggested crate with a lot things that are sought after by the community and cool ideas in general.
I feel like what turned out happening though was a lot of good or somewhat decent ideas that would have been perfect as a lower tier ended up going to waste. Instead of those items we got items that should not have been in the community crate (the average tier for example). I do like the process though even if it could use a bit more work.

Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc)
Absolutely, it's one of my favorite crates right now and I would love to see a second one

Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better?
I don't like that you could see how many people voted on your suggestion, it should remain a secret until the end to avoid people rigging their own. I also would like to see a way to (anonymously?) comment on the suggestion and see what everyone thinks of it and take that feedback into mind too when winners are chosen.

Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?
Overall I'm very pleased with it, there are a ton of good ideas and fun stuff in the crate. I'd like to see more community input on stuff being added rather than one persons idea though.

I really like what Kuro said, so im just going to ditto it.
However, me spending a total of ~850k for no godlike was kind've a bummer, as it would be for anyone.
But that bias aside, i really liked the crate in its entirety (keeping in mine what Kuro said), and it most definitely worked as a coin sink, seeing as how after so many crates were rolled only two godlike dropped (sadly, both being the cerberus).
When a dragon round begins.


1. Do you still think this process is a good idea?: I think it seems like a cool idea, but I feel if there is a next crate it should be priced a little bit less, not like 75 coins or anything, but 250 or 300 would be cool for a CC2.
2. Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc): As stated in the previous question I would like to see a CC2, it would be rather interesting and there could be more crates and more suggestions by people in the community.
3. Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better?: I find it completely fine as of now, I have no problems with it currently.
4. Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?: It's a rather interesting crate, but considering the drops I feel like it should be priced just a little bit less, like 300 or 250, but other than that it is completely fine.

majority of the items are stale memes

Do you still think this process is a good idea?
Yes and no. I like the way it was handled where all can vote on something they liked. Also, having the top amount be submitted, as long as they didn't have problems implementing it, would be in the crate is kinda awesome. Then no, as one person can just have a mass amount of people vote for something stupid and it gets in; just cus they like the guy and don't care about the gun.
Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc)
Yes, of course.
Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better?
I think submissions are great. However, I think having a note section below everything would help out. Instead of having to do it in the abilities, putting parentheses, and explaining it there. It would be cleaner and add more depth to the gun creation. As for the troll summits, let it be. I rather see crap, then see censorship. Also if we try and have the community have the option of taking down posts for the purpose of removing trolls, it can be abused heavily.
Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out?

1. Do you still think this process is a good idea? Yes, there were a lot of creative items in that box ( too bad I didn't get any ;-; )

2. Would you like to see a continuation of this series? (as in community crate 2, etc) It wouldn't hurt to see it, and I actually think it would be nice to see what weird things I could unbox.

3. Do you have any suggestions on how the submission/upvote process could be better? Haven't thought about it.

4. Are you pleased with the way the CC1 turned out? Overall I'm pleased how the project went with the CC1, the weapons, the stats, the modeling design, ETC. I'm just sad I didn't get what I wanted :<.

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