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Kevin's Membership Application

Age: I am 15 currently.

Steam Name(Current): Kevin

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 hours, no idea how long in lobby as it does not track that.

Where did you hear about this server?: I just joined off of the list of servers, and it was extremely interesting so I decided to stay, and it's been a lot of fun so far so I decided to stay and keep playing.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have been banned once before, although the only reason why I was banned was because I changed my name during the middle of the round, however I was dead and people knew I was dead. I changed my name as a joke to something that didn't even ghost, and Kcat was on at the time, so they most likely know about this. Other than this one ban I have never been banned by a staff member, and I hope to keep it this way as I have no intent of breaking any rules.

Why do you want to join?: Because I have had a lot of fun on the server since the day I joined, I have met some people in the community and I like a lot of the people here. I usually am friendly, although I admit that a few people do make me somewhat angry on the server. I try to have fun with everyone, and I hope that anyone who I dislike can become a friend of mine at some point. I also like to joke around a lot of the time, but I do not try to break rules, if I ever do end up breaking one, it is not on purpose. I never RDM and I could take being a Member of the community responsibly, understanding that Members are supposed to be role-models for the server. I also try to help out people as much as I can, informing them about things they do not know as knew members of the community, I feel for all of these reasons I am capable of holding the rank of Member within the community.

-1 Whenever i see you on you are very toxic, i honestly prefer to avoid the server i see you on, if i see progress of you being less toxic and aggressive then i will change this. For example i came on the server and someone said you rdm'd them, so i waited to check the logs and told you i would. Then you called me a fucking retard and kept saying throughout the game wind have you checked the logs yet. Then end of the round i checked the logs said you didn't rdm him and apologized to you and you said yeah so don't be so stupid asshole.

*edit* In response to your me being toxic, all i said to you was im going to check the logs because i think you rdm'd him. Thats not being toxic at all. the rest of the time i was in the server i was mostly quiet except for my random noises i make time to time, like screaming when i get shot, other than that i said nothing seriously other than that.

wind, how can you see progress if you avoid the server when I'm on?

Also to refer to that, that was a while ago so I don't remember everything, but what I do remember is that you accused me of rdming him and were being extremely rude to me, so I was being rude back, then I did ask if you checked the logs, however I do not remember saying "yeah so don't be so stupid asshole". But even if all of that is true, which I do not remember, you were being extremely toxic to me at that time, and that is why I was being toxic.

(07-12-2017, 12:39 AM)[NFG] Kevin Wrote:  wind, how can you see progress if you avoid the server when I'm on?

Please don't reply to people on your member app.

I made a mistake by slaying you but the person who reported you meant to click the forgive button, not the keep report. You then followed that by calling me a bad moderator/immature when I didn't say sorry right away. Instead of accepting it as a mistake, you decided to blame me and make the situation much more frustrating than it should've been. I guess I should've said sorry, but I thought you would understand that it wasn't intentional. You seem to have a lot of things to work on, including your attitude towards situations. Members are a trusted part of the community, and I feel I would not trust you to handle situations well. -1


Umpty Dumpty

In the past I have seen some of the 'cringy' moments people are referring to, however I have noticed a much better change around as far as Kevin is concerned. There is still room for improvement, but Kevin has been showing himself to be a much better person in the past few days.

-1 for now as his behavior is still toxic :^)


Yeah. I was there with the situation about Kcat. She said it was a mistake and you went on a tangent about how she's immature and not acting professional. After all that, you ended up blocking her.

Also if I'm not mistaken, you started telling people to block someone and you would pay them 2k for it. When someone did do that and you payed them, you started yelling about how he scammed you out of the money because he unblocked the guy afterwards.

All in all, you can just pretty toxic at moments. This isn't "always" but very often when you are. Until you start acting more mature as a whole, my -1 will stand.

+/- 0

Right now I have to see for myself if he is really being toxic on FRG.

Until then I'll leave this 0 here for now.

It's a -1 from me.
Although I have no personal quarrel with you, I've seen behavior from you that's unbecoming of a member. You have a temper that you need to work on and you show disrespect a lot of players and staff.

You need to work on filtering yourself and mellow out a little, realize it's only a game and we're all here to play and have fun.

- That Thrakos Noob

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