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Being a +Member

So this is mainly me venting because of a 30 minute experience I had earlier this morning but I feel like i have some valid points worth mentioning.

First off, earlier today 2 spinbotters got on with me being the only +member on. I messaged a couple mods / admins and all of them were snooze or away, but thats not the point.

Since I was the only +member on I had to do everything I could to not let the 2 spinbotters completely ruin the server so I added slays to them, at first they did rdm so the slays were reasonable but after that I kept adding slays so they couldn't just kill everyone when they round started. Adding slays to people may not have been the best thing to do but they did not have the intentions to stop so I felt like that was the best thing I could do. In reality that was all I could do. After them being slain they just micspammed, advertised their cheats, and said the n word multiple times. After the initial rdm and slays, I called a voteban to get one of them banned. The vote ended having him not banned because 7/19 people voted. Some people were alive and some may have been afk but I know for me, voteban doesnt even work when I press 1 for me, so I cant even vote in a situation like that. Being able to call votebans and votekicks is completely useless when sometimes it will be over half the people voting yes and the person doesn't get banned.

The point im trying to get at, Being a +member obviously is a good thing and helps, but in that situation, I was doing everything I could and I was still useless. All I could do was slay them but they could still micspam, advertise their website, and walk all over me and the server. I feel like +members need more abilities. I know that a +member isn't classified as "staff" and the intentions of a +member isn't to handle big things like that, but being able to ban for at most 1 day and being able to gag / mute would be great. Being able to ban for even 1 hour would a at least give time for a higher up staff to handle the situation. Handling reports late night is great but when there is any kind of further issue then just rdm, there is nothing I can do. It's not like "randoms" get promoted anyway, active and good-reputation players get promoted and if they abuse their powers all that is going to happen is their abilities get taken away and everything is voided. So what would be the big deal by giving us a the ability to ban for a short period of time and mute / gag.

There are only 2 staff that come to mind that are actually active almost every day on TTT.
There are 5+ that are constantly on and have more playtime then most others.

It would be nice if the voteban system was modified so only Members and above are able to vote.

But i do agree +member may need a few small additions. We are trusted enough to have access to the report manager and slays, but not trusted enough to have an hour or two ban to get rid of real trouble makers, such as hackers if a moderator or admin isnt online? It feels somewhat pointless to me.

If a hacker is on and you've gathered enough evidence but a staff member can't come on, it was the right thing to do to basically infinite-slay them.
There really isn't much you can do/should be able to do about them mic-spamming/chat spamming other than urging people to utilize the !block system.

If you happened to remember the link to their hacks, would you mind messaging me or Brass it?

- That Thrakos Noob

(07-23-2017, 05:23 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  If a hacker is on and you've gathered enough evidence but a staff member can't come on, it was the right thing to do to basically infinite-slay them.
There really isn't much you can do/should be able to doabout them mic-spamming/chat spamming other than urging people to utilize the !block system.

If you happened to remember the link to their hacks, would you mind messaging me or Brass it?

giving a link to hacks is a meme.

its usually just aimware

You definitely did the right thing in this situation for sure, I understand the pain of not getting anyone on. I will now have more access of coming on to help get rid of people when needed.

Why didn't you make a player complaint here on the forums against the 2 guys?

(07-23-2017, 07:15 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  Why didn't you make a player complaint here on the forums against the 2 guys?

At the moment the only thing i was focused on was keeping them slain, and i can only slay 2 rounds at a time. i finally got an admin on and about 20 minutes later they were banned. i already clipped proof of them cheating i just had to cut it into a short video and upload it and show the admin. i didnt make a post on here because after 20 minutes of the intial notice of cheats, an admin got online on steam and i could tell him everything

+Member is a rank that I can hand out a lot easier than something with more power/responsibility. I would never want +members to have any kind of ban or kick powers that they can hand out at their discretion. You are there to help deal with the most common problem on the server: RDM. You did the right thing, but just because no one may have been available at the time, doesn't mean I'm going to give +members any more power/authority than they already have.

If +mems get a short ban, and gag/mute, the rank would basically be moderator, not just that, it also means the application process for +member becomes more difficult because A LOT of you had/have very mixed feedback. If you want more powers, work up to it and apply for moderator.

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