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Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal

Steam Name (Current): 糞 d a m n

Steam Name (During incident): Daniel

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42863376

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/memeking2014

Name of staff you were banned by: Brassx

Length of the ban: permanent IP ban

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed or shortened. anything works Smile

Reason for ban: mass toxicity and disrespect towards the entire server. Specific ban reason was "Had a chance to be mature about the demotion. Instead decided to be immature. No longer welcome here."

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes I did.

What really happened?: As an admin I was targeting specific players that I disliked and trying to upset them and ruin their time on the server. For my behavior I was then demoted after numerous warnings, and from that I snapped and began to massively disrespect everyone on the server and the server as a whole. I continued to "try and get revenge" for my own actions until I was ipbanned and I was told that any further harassment would result in legal action.

Additional details: Today is the day that it has officially been one whole year since the day I was banned. Throughout the last year I've pushed myself as hard as I possibly could in order to improve myself as a person, because what I did to the people who I cared about on this server is disgusting. I am personally aware that there is no forgiving my actions last year, even I do not forgive myself which fuels my urge to better myself, so I understand any negative feelings towards me. I however am beyond certain that I've vastly changed for the better over the last 12 months and you would not regret giving me the opportunity to prove that.

I miss this server, the way it's run, the people, and just generally all the great qualities of FRG, more than anyone could imagine. After a year of almost daily thinking about how badly I would like to take back everything I did and wishing I could play, its been engraved into my head that one of my biggest goals in life right now is to get the opportunity to return to this server and redeem myself and my negative actions.

I've apologized to a lot of the people that my actions affected, and I will always be insanely sorry towards everyone I affected, specifically and importantly; Tobias, Notchosen, Brass, Grass, Unpoke, Jake, Aresuft. None of you deserved anything that I did to you and I'll do anything possible in my life to get you guys to give me the opportunity to show you who I am now. I will never stop apologizing or regretting what I did, even if I do end up getting unbanned.

After one whole year, I hope that you guys can potentially see the new me and believe that what I am saying is true. I have changed, and given any chance, I'll show you all that and you won't regret it. I'll never be the person that I was a year ago again.

Thank you for reading. Any questions or concerns I'll gladly respond to. I hope that you all finally decide to give me a chance for redemption. I love y'all and miss y'all, hopefully I'll get to see you again.

Honestly, I've gotten over everything that's happened. I don't hold a grudge over such petty things.

Now with that being said, I'm gonna remain neutral on this ban appeal.

Whether you get unbanned or stay banned, it doesn't really bother or affect me too much. I will say that everyone should take everything he did into consideration though before just posting "hurr durr mai boi +1"

Nuggie's always been a nice guy towards me, and I am aware of what happened. I feel like he is being sincere and I wouldn't mind seeing him on the servers again. It's been a whole year, let the past stay in the past, give the guy one more chance.

I didn't play during the time that this happened, but I have read over what happened and looked through past ban appeals and I feel like a year is a fair enough time to reflect on some of the things that Daniel has done, and long enough for a person to change from something like this, if he is genuine about what he says, I'd say just keep a close watch on him and don't let him apply for a staff position again. +1 I wish you good luck on your appeal, Daniel.

With everything that has happened I don't think you deserve to be apart of this community. You had so many chances and with the position you held, you just acted like someone who didn't get his way. You were supposed to be a role model and you threw it all away over some stupid ass shit.

I do forgive what you did as a person, but at a community stand point and as a staff member, I do not forgive you on all of that.

I do not support this appeal and more than likely never will.

+0.5 I've played with Nuggie on different servers and his attitude has changed lots, but overall his actions were a bit over the top on what he did. Gl on the appeal but overall I wasnt directly affected by this so I dont have much of an opinion
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


First off I'd like to thank you for the sincerity and honesty in the post, it's tough to give an accurate representation of what actually happened so I'll give a few additional links for anyone more curious

The "Nuggie Ordeal" by Brass K.

Nuggie's apology and Last Post the original apology

Appeal #1 Appeal #2 ban appeals

The thread you're on right now you dingus go read it

With everything in mind, considering what you did and the amount of effort you went through after being demoted from the most trusted position I can understand completely why you were banned and why people would never support an unban and I'm sure you do as well.

From a community aspect I consider it to be irredeemable, the fact that you were supposed to be the most trusted rank on the server and a community role model and the resulting behavior of being demoted caused this is reason enough to deny this and all appeals permanently.

From a personal aspect after you did what you did I lost one of my good friends from NTG and all of my trust in you or who I considered you to be at the time. That's not how I want this story to end, I'd like to leave off on a happier note but it's proving impossible. Consider that you've already served the community as an admin and if you've come back you have 0 chance of ever being staff again.

The most that you can hope is that if unbanned you can prove that you've matured and clear your name.
The most the community can hope is for someone we can play with that possibly isn't going to be banned with a few days.

That said I'm going to remain neutral, +0 but I want you to redeem yourself as my friend and as a member of the community.
Best of luck

(08-07-2017, 10:58 PM)Kuro Wrote:  Consider that you've already served the community as an admin and if you've come back you have 0 chance of ever being staff again.

The most that you can hope is that if unbanned you can prove that you've matured and clear your name.
The most the community can hope is for someone we can play with that possibly isn't going to be banned with a few days.

That said I'm going to remain neutral, +0 but I want you to redeem yourself as my friend and as a member of the community.
Best of luck
I have absolutely no expectations to receive anything if I am unbanned. No ranks ever, nothing, it is not anything that I ever deserve to get to try again. All I want is to play the game, make some new friends and potentially mend some of my old ones, and just participate and add stuff to the community.

That is all that I hope for. That's all I want at all right now, more than honestly anything. I personally KNOW for a fact that I have matured and if I had the chance that I would be able to get back in a neutral position at least, I just need the chance to be able to show it.

I understand entirely the fear of taking any risk in unbanning me. However, id like to state that even if I was still the type of person I was last year, if I did something after being unbanned there is not much that I could do/, especially nothing worse than what I did last year, and even if I did anything you could permanently ban me on the spot. I am willing to take the most strict watch ever. Hell, permanently ban me if I even rdm one person.if I do anything that even seems Like it'll cause drama ban me. If I do ANYTHING the community doesn't like you can ban me. I feel so confident in the new me that I would bet and risk anything on me never getting banned if I get the chance to rejoin the server. It won't happen. I swear on my life that the last thing I'd ever want to do is anything similar to what I did a year ago, as I never want to betray or hurt people like that again.

Nice to see you again Kuro, by the way. Thanks.

just gonna point out a small flaw in waht u just said, if u rdm one person, u can be permaed, what if u kill wrong person lol, jokes aside, i never really knew u mcnuggie, i would like to get to know u better, but i understand perfectly if no one else is ok with his unban, i mean what he did was basicly scum of the earth low, but it deos seem he has matured a bit, and if he does be the same, just perma him again, instantly reject any more appeals he makes, and thats it if he does it again, +.5

+1 Wouldn't hurt to unban him imo you can just re ban him if he messes up. Took time with his appeal and what not

+1000 if change name to mcnugget

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