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Buff the Fearful Procs.

Hello, I currently have a Fearful M1 Garand and I can tell you that having a 1 in 15 on a semi auto gun with a max of 11 bullets kinda sucks, and while I know thats the highest it goes the chance of getting something usable like 1 in 10 or 11 is extremly low not to mention how bad this is on the Fearful M1911.

The proc its self is really just a worse ignite proc less damage over time and much easier to see through.

I would like to see a buff to the the proc chance to reflect the guns thy're on ie 1 in 7 for M1911 and 1 in 10 for M1 Garand. I only want this to follow the logic of every other proc for these specific guns.

no. just no

If you want a better chance then use the rule like everyone else if the guns means that much to you its not the servers fault you got a bad chance. As well those procs should be lower then average because there unique, if everyone got blinded by a blue screen every two bullets then that would be really op. You gotta understand also the blue screen affects everyone in a different way you might not think its good enough but to some that is really irritating and I don't think that's what brass wants out of a suffix.

(08-17-2017, 01:01 AM)[GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 Wrote:  If you want a better chance then use the rule like everyone else if the guns means that much to you its not the servers fault you got a bad chance. As well those procs should be lower then average because there unique, if everyone got blinded by a blue screen every two bullets then that would be really op. You gotta understand also the blue screen affects everyone in a different way you might not think its good enough but to some that is really irritating and I don't think that's what brass wants out of a suffix.

That right there is why I hate the cerberus it procs way to often and when it does you are totally blinded with the over the top motion blur.

Like seriously you can't even tell how far you've aimed from the point you started. It's arguably stronger than the ccd ever was at least that had a damage reduction when you were totally helpless. The only downside this has is the person you proc it on can still shoot, but it's literally impossible to know what you are aiming at, while you die to the longest ranged shotgun on the server.

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