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East ban appeal

Dear admins, mods, & etc...
I was banned for one week for rdming 5 people within 2 rounds nowfor one i only killed 3 of them wrongly, one of which started shooting first. Another was someone who came behind me as i was blowing MYSELF up for a previous rdm that i was trying to make an admend to. 2 of the others happened during a shoot out and i blew up an explosive barrel during the match which i am sorry for. The other was a hit to an explosive barrel next to Vlad which i wasnt truely meaning to hit it i was being stupid and hit it, but it was rdm please reduce my ban and thank you for reading this appeal.

From, TheEastGamer

First of all, before I get to anything, you must use the correct format or else this appeal will be ignored.

Second of all, you lied in this. You rdm'd 5 people in one round with an explosive barrel, in one of the reports when describing why you did it you said "you shouldn't be next to explosives" making it seem like you think it is the other people's fault. Next round, instead of killign yourself in console, you kill yourself with an explosive barrel, which rdms ANOTHER person on their traitor round.

The ban is only a week because for some reason Axe was too busy trading and forgot to update it for me (even though I told him to a lot lol) and then went offline, but I think that if its not gonna be perma it's gonna be at least a month.

Here are the pictures of the rdms, first picture you can see that there are 5 different people killed by him with an explosion and then the second you'll see you almost killing a traitor with another explosive barrel. (not to mention ive had issues with you and disrespect, you'll be lucky if you dont stay banned)



There is also the fact that this person is a quite active member of frg, so should they be given another chance? Up to you brass/axe/jake/grass.

Edit: ban is now updated to perma.

Oh Hey...it's me C:


rekt i was there you deserve it , and you rdm me all the time
Love me <3

not the right format, hes appeal is not even true i was on and as nuggie said it is how it happened.

After being warned about the first RDMs you ended up RDMing another person as nuggie said everyone else pointed out the format i don't support an unban but maybe shortened to a couple weeks or perhaps a month?

Thank you for your judgement and time I am sorry for those that I wasted thank you Cyan for your help, I accept punishment for these actions:
5 rdms with explosive barrels.

Please do tell me if the ban is shortened or not by replying to this post, thank you for you time again hope you all do well.

Maybe for the last time, TheEastGamer

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