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One Million

Ehhhhhhhhh the first person to afford a last prater in coins is here!
Shame due to coin inflation it costs 2 mil now :3

A single player in the economy has 1mill, meaning there are probably 8 digit amounts of coins in the economy, yet still some godlikes are only worth 5k. BORKEN

(09-14-2017, 08:15 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  A single player in the economy has 1mill, meaning there are probably 8 digit amounts of coins in the economy, yet still some godlikes are only worth 5k. BORKEN

Well, not every godlike has to be worth 100k+.

Ones that are only 5k are usually either accessories(which 75% of the server have disabled), or there is an excess of them(like railguns)

Personally, I feel like system messages had a big part in the railgun price drop.

(09-14-2017, 08:15 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  A single player in the economy has 1mill, meaning there are probably 8 digit amounts of coins in the economy, yet still some godlikes are only worth 5k. BORKEN

I've been the one pushing prices for prims + godlikes. Prims dont get sold for 1k anymore, 1k is literally nothing. I actively sell my prims for 4k and thats just the basic heroics. Godlikes are simple, you wait until someone wants to pay the price you want. Things get sold a lot higher than before, there just needs to be a little tweak in the system (hint brass). I payed 200k for a bloodweep, someone payed 140k for a megaladon, someone just payed 80k for a Deathbringer. I've sold 5+ tartarus' for 20-25k. And i've sold most of my railguns for 8k. It all just depends on the demand of your item youre trying to sell. Nothings broken, people just need to realize coins are easier to get now, prepare to pay more for something then before Smile

(09-14-2017, 08:15 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  A single player in the economy has 1mill, meaning there are probably 8 digit amounts of coins in the economy, yet still some godlikes are only worth 5k. BORKEN

I can't tell if you are serious or not about this.

If so you need to play more and stop complaining about something you have no idea of.

If you aren't oh okay

(09-14-2017, 08:32 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  Personally, I feel like system messages had a big part in the railgun price drop.

I can take full blame for them dropping price after the system messages came out with my railguns are now 4k meme

I'll also take half credit for bumping them back up to 5k (other half goes to Alex)

(09-14-2017, 10:12 PM)Kuro Wrote:  
(09-14-2017, 08:32 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  Personally, I feel like system messages had a big part in the railgun price drop.
I'll also take half credit for bumping them back up to 5k (other half goes to Alex)

I don't regret a thing.

(09-14-2017, 08:52 PM)Bri Wrote:  
(09-14-2017, 08:15 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  A single player in the economy has 1mill, meaning there are probably 8 digit amounts of coins in the economy, yet still some godlikes are only worth 5k. BORKEN

I've been the one pushing prices for prims + godlikes. Prims dont get sold for 1k anymore, 1k is literally nothing. I actively sell my prims for 4k and thats just the basic heroics. Godlikes are simple, you wait until someone wants to pay the price you want. Things get sold a lot higher than before, there just needs to be a little tweak in the system (hint brass). I payed 200k for a bloodweep, someone payed 140k for a megaladon, someone just payed 80k for a Deathbringer. I've sold 5+ tartarus' for 20-25k. And i've sold most of my railguns for 8k. It all just depends on the demand of your item youre trying to sell. Nothings broken, people just need to realize coins are easier to get now, prepare to pay more for something then before Smile

prims were 1k back when you had 100k and now you have 1mill which is 10 times the amount you had before. Prims only went up 3k. Am I just crazy or is that kind of broken? megaladon was 100k+ back when I played actively 6-7 months ago. Tarts were 15k so those went up 5-10k. Railguns were 5k so those went up 3k. These price increases are so small compared to the amount of coins people have now.

Also, hinting brass to do anything with the economy is kind of pointless. He doesn't control the economy whatsoever. We do (the players) and that's why I am complaining about the economy being broken. People are so greedy with their coins and that is why prices are so low for things.

EDIT: btw my original comment wasn't very serious. I typed "borken" in all caps and it is already a meme way to spell broken to begin with. I don't play anymore so I don't care about prices too much but I do think they are broken.

(09-14-2017, 10:35 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  
(09-14-2017, 08:52 PM)Bri Wrote:  
(09-14-2017, 08:15 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  A single player in the economy has 1mill, meaning there are probably 8 digit amounts of coins in the economy, yet still some godlikes are only worth 5k. BORKEN

I've been the one pushing prices for prims + godlikes. Prims dont get sold for 1k anymore, 1k is literally nothing. I actively sell my prims for 4k and thats just the basic heroics. Godlikes are simple, you wait until someone wants to pay the price you want. Things get sold a lot higher than before, there just needs to be a little tweak in the system (hint brass). I payed 200k for a bloodweep, someone payed 140k for a megaladon, someone just payed 80k for a Deathbringer. I've sold 5+ tartarus' for 20-25k. And i've sold most of my railguns for 8k. It all just depends on the demand of your item youre trying to sell. Nothings broken, people just need to realize coins are easier to get now, prepare to pay more for something then before Smile

prims were 1k back when you had 100k and now you have 1mill which is 10 times the amount you had before. Prims only went up 3k. Am I just crazy or is that kind of broken? megaladon was 100k+ back when I played actively 6-7 months ago. Tarts were 15k so those went up 5-10k. Railguns were 5k so those went up 3k. These price increases are so small compared to the amount of coins people have now.

Also, hinting brass to do anything with the economy is kind of pointless. He doesn't control the economy whatsoever. We do (the players) and that's why I am complaining about the economy being broken. People are so greedy with their coins and that is why prices are so low for things.

EDIT: btw my original comment wasn't very serious. I typed "borken" in all caps and it is already a meme way to spell broken to begin with. I don't play anymore so I don't care about prices too much but I do think they are broken.

not much you can really do about that xd people need'a realize if someone wants a gun, they'll pay for it, not everything has to be a price set in stone

- That Thrakos Noob

i thought i remembered godlike prices being pretty high, primordials were always 1-2k at most and the really good ones rarely 3k, but godlikes i remember railguns being 12k and tarts like 30k, bows use to be like 100k and ascultones were like 20k, thrakos were 30-40k, prices arent exactly going up. The supply of godlikes are much higher than before so those prices are dropping to accommodate. Primordial prices are going up solely because better and better guns are dropping, like koreds super good angelic of contagion with look at feet. And people are scamming lower lvls with insane high prices. People want to further their coinage so they jump in on the trend, selling worthless heroics for like 7k, and useless zafkiels for 30k, since some noobie will come up and be like damn, that looks cool, im gonna use all my coins to buy this and immediatly regret it cause its shit. I do it too sometimes because why not, coins are coins.

If anything we need to stop over pricing stuff, keep it in its general price range, legendarys 100-700, primordials 800-2.5k, godlikes 12-50k and celestials for 100k, and maybe have something that could act as a massive coin/gun sink, to effectivly have a economy restart, with out completly having brassx just take everything and reset it. Some of the prices i listed might seem overpriced or extremely underpriced, but if there were a way to keep a limited supply of things, such as only 10 tarts cam exist at once, or like 3 last prayers, 20 railguns, 10 thrakoses, and so on, that would be a way to keep things around the same price, people can still pay more or less, but it just might not be as worth it

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