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QQuango/CantTouchThis' ban appeal

Steam Name (Current): QQuangooooo

Steam Name (During incident): QQuangooooo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:46077794

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052421317/

Name of staff you were banned by: Unpoke

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: "Cheats/Scripting"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: No

What really happened?: Where do I even start? Recently (as per usual) I've been accused by a few people as having some dodgy aim (been using a deagle recently to level it up) and thus a ton of suspicion has occurred. In a round, I was banned by Unpoke for this, which I then proceeded to question him about while receiving the clip of my so called "aimbot" in action (I'll link you guys the link to my youtube with the video, also with the option to slow it down to 0.5/0.25). In the video, you see me get knifed, which I then react to buy making a full 180 turn, prefiring and making an arc like angle in which i start to fire in. Note I made this arc as I wasn't sure where he was. I've heard a few people say "he is tracing him" which is completely inaccurate as when you slow it down you see I miss shots. Another one I heard was "He's pulling away from the aimbot as it draws his aim in, making it look legit" ...I dont even know how to reply to that, When you watch it in 0.25 speed and draw a line from where i aim each time i swing, you can see a clear ark and not a straight line pulling me directly to where he is at the time, completely humanlike in motion. Keeping in mind I see him bleed, hence why i swing to the right more and more as the blood keeps coming from the right (Atleast I assume why I did, I dont remember too much it was more instinct). I have 2000+ hours on garrysmod and over 1600hrs on CS:GO (Including second account) and also a very high rank on Overwatch, my aim is completely practiced and I personally can't see anything wrong with it. The whole "But you have a vacban" thing just seems like another reason you guys felt like I "SHOULD" be banned, Which i explained was because I was overwatched on CS:GO and at the time I was participating in esea and a few other leagues as an upcoming semi-pro with my team, It was first a gameban then a VAC which I'd assume is because of the whole league situation. I had a long email argument about it but I doubt I'll be able to find it now. Anyway, I'll attach the screenshot of MY CS:GO profile which says "Majorly Disruptive" confirming my ban was via "Overwatch" and not a VAC detection. As for my bunnyhops, Hot damn you guys are quick to jump on that! (excuse the pun) I've played garrys mod for too long to know how to not bunnyhop...And CS:GO! If you watch me fully you'll see I occasionally mess the odd one up too! I use my mouse-wheel to bhop so ;.;. I can honestly say 100% I wasn't hacking, the aim is completely human like in the evidence I've seen and whats more, people have accused me of it since I have good aim and because I have a ban on record, which I feel just isn't justified. I feel there are more people against me then with me right now, But if I was hacking I feel like there would be a ton more evidence then just one video where you can see my humanlike aim. Feels like I'm guilty until proven innocent.
Eh not sure what else to say, feel free to question anything I may or may not have missed out!
Additional details:

steamcommunity.com/id/ChuLa94900 (Second account with my CS:GO hours)

I cant pose the "Majorly Disruptive" So I'll post it via "Imgur"

Played NTG with him many years ago and even somewhat recently, he seems like a really honest and good guy. I don't know for a fact that he is hack-free but he had great aim wayback when and had no bans for it to my recollection.

I personally believe him, I just never really had a problem with him nor did I ever really see any problems. I'd say his response is reasonable and explains things pretty well. (Also with the video it seems like the hunter is already low hp and it was a somewhat small area with the hunter not moving that much imo) +1

I know a aimbotter when I see one.

I know he may seem edgy, but he is not aimbotting.

Yesterday he was killing me with a deagle and he was getting headshots, but he still missed most of them.

The footage that he had provided, shows that he was shooting in a line, not directly at the target’s body or head.

I think he should be unbanned, sure he might look like he is aimbotting, but it is really just very good aim.

I've known him for a while now and I've never really considered him someone who would hack.

I'm not entirely sure about the allegations of hacking, I've personally beaten him in more gun fights lately (besides deagle duels) than any time in 2016. (That TMP was the bane of my existence in 2016.)

I trust Unpokes' judgement when he believes that you were hacking but I'd like for it not to be true.

I'm not sure what this clip contributes but my problem is the Nield Effect of him being able to deag me through walls

(11-03-2017, 04:19 AM)Kuro Wrote:  I've known him for a while now and I've never really considered him someone who would hack.

I'm not entirely sure about the allegations of hacking, I've personally beaten him in more gun fights lately (besides deagle duels) than any time in 2016. (That TMP was the bane of my existence in 2016.)

I trust Unpokes' judgement when he believes that you were hacking but I'd like for it not to be true.

I'm not sure what this clip contributes but my problem is the Nield Effect of him being able to deag me through walls

LMAO get fucking good kid
Seriously though, Regarding this it's the first time I've seen it from your point of view and it looks dodgy as anything. On my screen, most of my body comes out wayyy longer then on your screen and you can see my shot and how it hits the wall next to you in that replay but still kills you...Gotta love dat ping!... I mean..Ahem.. Git gud kid

I have personally been shot in the head by this man and I can say that while it does piss me off cause anyone with aim that good needs to be nerfed

I never once pegged it down as him aimbotting I always held it in contention that he had just really good aim from playing a lot

Personally I'd like to believe he is an honest guy and after viewing the videos I have seen no overly suspicious things (other than the nield shots) so my vote sways towards a +1

I'm basically just gonna say what everyone else has been saying that I've known him for a bit and don't think hes been hacking, it's a possibility for sure, but it's far fetched and in my opinion. He does have good aim and it seems absurd in some situations like in the clip Kuro posted, but i'm fairly sure that's due to his ping. He definitely could be or couldn't be. But I think it's leaning more towards that he isn't hacking.

I say we unban him but only allow him to use melee weapons and he's not aloud to jump.

I do think his not hacking but i'm not sure about his B hopping Scripting. I've seen it first hand and it does look like his using scripting.

(but thats my thoughs. i still dont know how to B hop)

Personally, I don't see it. I've been friends with him for a couple of years and not once had I thought he was hacking. the videos so far have definitely not been enough to perma ban him, maybe a bit sketchy but imo excusable by his 100+ ping. the first video specifically (one in OP) to me was completely devoid of suspicion after watching it a few times at a slower speed.
I support his unban! +1!

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