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hockeyfn's member app

Age: 19

Steam Name: hockeyfn

Time played on servers?: 355 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Way back when on NTG.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I was banned for 3 days for allegedly saying a racist slur.

Why do you want to join?: I've been playing the server for awhile, just recently got back into it because I've got some more time on my hands. It's by far the best server I've played on Garry's mod, and I've been playing for awhile so I know the server quite a bit.

Referred by: Jake1o

Additional Details: N/A


The only thing you need to fix is Plasma Net Testing people.
Bouncy Rounds

+1 if Enchantable can get member, why not this guy? +1

ur gros, but I'm not biased. +1


This guy is pretty chilllllllllllll.

+1 hockey is an awesome guy to have around

You can be over the top sometimes with certain things you do. With that being said, you dont do anything too bad to justify you not getting member. Just tone it down a bit and i think you'll be fine.


He's a fun guy and just a jolly good fellow. Doesn't barely do any harm, always keeps things fresh. Definitely a +1.

I was with him in discord and he was pretty enjoyable to talk to, he also is pretty good at following the rules so I don't see why he doesn't deserve a +1. +1 btw
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Hockey is the type of dude who puts fruit loops on his nipples +1

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