- Added 2 new discover-able TTT post-round only drops. One Legendary and One Primordial. Both with new traits.
- Completely Revamped the Muffle trait. It now mutes much more sound.
- Look at feet trait has been changed to only 'punch' your view to your feet then reset it to normal briefly after. This may be too harsh of a nerf, but we shall see.
- Mobility on rightful kill trait has been changed to grant +40% mobility for 25 seconds, and its chance to proc is now 100%.
- Buffed the Famas on TTT only currently. (as a test)
- Lowered the MP5's deploy speed.
- Halloween rounds have been removed from TTT, and crate of misery is now removed from the coinshop. You can still obtain these from the Asylum event.