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turtles are dumb

The only real complaint I see here is that they have collision and you get stuck on them when they jump at you.
I'd agree with that and say they probably shouldn't have collision but then walking through an entire group of turtles would be much easier than it is already.

I don't see turtle grenades being anywhere close to a "1 hit gun" in terms of OPness they're much too clunky of a t item still. If you throw them relatively close to a wall 9/10 times half of my turtles get stuck in said wall levitating until someone wanders by and kills all of them. The ones that don't get stuck are very dumb and a majority of the time will get maybe one nibble in.

I can't even begin to count the amount of times I've walked through a "turtle infested" zone and have only taken one or no hits of damage. For a T weapon they lack any sort of danger and are by far one of the easiest to counter.They're easy to see, they're clumped up in a group, they're dumb as rocks and are prone to getting stuck themselves quite easily.

Though they're full of problems whenever I play I always choose them as my second t item, first being body armor (1000% more broken).
At this point even though everyone seems to hate them I still love them as a novelty item, fun to use and hilarious when someone actually get a kill with them.

(12-18-2017, 04:18 AM)Brassx Wrote:  I'll work on some different changes for them (nocollide, less damage, etc).

This should be a fair compromise for both sides.

- That Thrakos Noob

Kuro, you're too smart for this world. They never cause me problems either, I just find them fun. I actually don't get stuck on them, I don't even know how people do that, but if it happened I'd be mad salt.


I guess in that case it is just personal experience?
Because for me, 9 times out of 10 i get stuck on a turtle and take 60+ damage from just two or three.

Maybe im just bad
When a dragon round begins.


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