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Deadpools Member Application

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): Deadpool

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
74 Hours,23 Minutes

Where did you hear about this server?:NTG died off so I was looking for a server that would be good to play on.I followed some of friends to the server and now that is all I play.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have not been banned before and don't plan on getting banned.

Why do you want to join?: I want to be part of a community that gives back to the players and that shows support to everyone in the community.I want to join because FRG is the best server I have played on and want to show that to others and have them experience the same thing I feel towards FRG.

Referred by: No one

Additional Details:None

Yea he's a cool dude. Doesn't cause drama and isn't toxic. +1
Bouncy Rounds

+1 Deadpool is a pretty neat dude, not toxic at all, and an all-around cool guy.

I played with him on NTG, and he is pretty lit, +1

+1 played with him enough and he seems fine. +1

played with him almost everytime ive gotten on. +1

p.s. It's Deadpool if we don't make him member he can just break the fourth wall and write in member next to his name so +1 again.

wait...wrong deadpool? whoops. +1

He's fun to play with and is easy to get along with. Doesn't cause problems and is nice. +1

what's your name again? +1

what kcott said

plus one you are a great comrade and have done no transgressino

I think he'll be a great member for this community!, he's really friendly and outstanding ! +1

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