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message from me

Allah ackbar, respect my explosions

warawarai megumin, suicide-desu

(01-23-2018, 01:56 AM)Alex Summers Wrote:  I honestly think this whole thing is dumb. There's no use arguing about it. I get that you're a VERY devout Christian and I respect that. I don't think people harass you just for being Christian, but when you go around constantly spamming your quotes and what not, yeah, people are going to say something to you about it. Plus... we're playing a game about terrorists with guns and killing and crap, I'm sorry that this isn't a "safe place" for you. I doubt it would be as bad if you didn't have 50 different binds of bible quotes and whatnot. Like I said, I respect your religion, I'm a Christian too, given I'm not as devout as you are but still. I think everyone should respect that you are but this is a TTT server. I don't think people care about if you believe in God or not. Hell, go worship whales for all I care. People play this game to have fun, not to have constant religious things pushed down their throats. I don't think people throwing some jokes at you should affect you this much. It's a game, take the jokes and lighten up my guy.

Mhm, I get why you're trying to say, but when you say lighten up, its very hard to when its as bad as it is. like i said, I'm pretty thick-skinned, and I'm not exactly TRIGGERED by it, more annoyed than anything else
Umpty Dumpty

you're the guy who bound multiple random bible bullshit and used them every single round, mate. I have literally nothing against you and think you're alright, but you're not thick skinned at all. Deal with it. The server offers you MULTIPLE options to block or ignore people, and even if someone singles you out, staff will help. Grow up, dude. You're like, 16 and crying about religion on a gaming forums? Real piece of work there.

Timothy 2:12: I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

Keep your faith to yourself. This is the internet, of course there are going to be people who wanna rustle your jimmies because they have nothing better to do. Ask them personally to stop and if they don't, block them or find a way to ignore it. I haven't personally seen or heard any harassment towards you but if it has really gotten to you, that's honestly what YOU need to deal with. Besides, faith is a really touchy subject for many people and like I said, you're on the internet with various ages. You need to understand that. Overall, I don't see why a forum post is necessary.

(01-23-2018, 02:05 AM)Terran Wrote:  you're the guy who bound multiple random bible bullshit and used them every single round, mate. I have literally nothing against you and think you're alright, but you're not thick skinned at all. Deal with it. The server offers you MULTIPLE options to block or ignore people, and even if someone singles you out, staff will help. Grow up, dude. You're like, 16 and crying about religion on a gaming forums? Real piece of work there.

Timothy 2:12: I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

Actually I am thick-skinned. Not ONCE on this thread have I said it offends me. IT ANNOYS ME.
Also it's 1 Timothy 2:12
Umpty Dumpty

Someone please close this, we dont need anymore of this drama.
Bouncy Rounds

(01-23-2018, 02:12 AM)Terran Wrote:  offend, annoy, same meaning, different word. if you were assblasted enough to make a post on it, that's enough to prove you were rectally pained.

give this man some +rep

Thread is closed before it causes more of a fuss.

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