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Yes im reporting myself and others

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Darkthruster, 2koreds, Shock Pc

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_1:1:82179022 (shockpc), STEAM_1:0:53173093 (2koreds), STEAM_1:1:61021688 (mine/darkthruster)

Map the event happened on: background of evidence 1/2 and evidence 3 (sorry idk the names)

Date of event: 8 march 2018 2:05 pm

What Happened?: Basically it started as something silly as just us trolling but for some reason shock pc has some sort of vendeta against me for the one time i did rdm him with a shield plasma shield in evidence 3. Many rounds later Shock Pc with a woping 4 rdms is bitching about rdming. So i decide to joke about him since he was rdming alot and shit goes out of controll. He starts argueing that i rdmed him "twice" last map and that im one to talk. I said yes i did rdm him once with the plasma shield and then argues with me saying i "rdmed" him when i was in a room with him and mokey but in that round i followed him the whole time since he was shooting skully if i remember correctly, afterwards he makes "threats" towards me and mokey so i decide to kill him. All though i do technically blackmail by saying "dont entice me to do a report thats how i banned gang-sta", i initaly did not plan to actually make a report but 2koreds decided to take it to heart and tried to blackmailed me with his (what i call fake) evidence of me rdming this whole time which is technically only once and says he has it recorded. Both him and 2koreds (probably friends) argue that i rdmed him then and when i say he rdmed someone that round and that it wasnt rdm that time, 2koreds rdms me aka revenge rdm for talking. If 2koreds "was" recording and puts evidence in this post its probably going to be edited with me rdming him, and probably "convieniently" stopped recording before revenge rdming me and as i said, i technically rdmed only once.

I do not expect a fair trial nor for them to actually be banned hence my own report, because of these kind of players in the community its probably why i stopped playing mounths ago going so far as past july, after that i came back like 5 mins a few days so i dont count those as me being active on the server. Point being i cannot stand this behavior which is obviously that of a cyber bully and i decide to simply quit the server entirely reason being hes a cyber bully at a high lvl aka HES BEEN HERE FOR QUITE A WHILE AND REALLY SHOULDN'T.

So i want to be permanently banned until i feel like coming back if i ever decide to (prob different account). If u need a valid reason for my ban i name my countless rdms which is probably more 1000 times, glitching out of map, prop surfing, saying banned words, and the one im most famous of: THE LEVEL 1 RDMER.

Short version: Shock Pc mass rdm x4 + attemted rdm, 2koreds revenge rdm + blackmail which i call bull, Darkthruster i cant stand people like this so ban me.

Witnesses: 2 new players (mentioning is useless basically) Mokey, Darkthruster (me), 2koreds (if hes willing to admit it), Skully_fluff, Shock Pc (again if willing to admit)

Evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/932681131780899693/F8395CFD58878EDFF050A6E70E9FE23C8D05BEA0/
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/932681131780900177/CBD8260A037C050FE610FAABB332BF3DCCB6775F/ (<-- map 2koreds revenge rdmed, Shock pc rdmed 2x + attempted on me)
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/932681131782710723/717929E6975D45027FECDD5EF2B06064403FED93/ (<-- map i rdmed via plasma shield and Shock pc rdmed 2x)

P.S.: i would of done this report far earlier but i had work, im also lacking 2 rdm evidence which was last map so i couldnt get the logs at the time of incident

!block ______

Uh huh. To my understanding I see “WALL OF TEXT”, witnesses and evidence. Why ban yourself? Just block them and if they continue to RDM you, report them for harrasment.

2Koreds remember you are on your last straw.
Bouncy Rounds

I feel like you are just overreacting towards this situation. I am not going to ban you just because you want to be banned. If you don't feel like playing on our servers then just don't play on them until you feel like you are willing to, no one is forcing you.

Regarding this report, all I have for proof is Shock rdming 2 people and 2koreds killing you while you were a t, not much to go on for anything but a couple of slays.

All I have to say is that people leave and people come, in such matter there will be players that will cause trouble and not make it fun for some, if they harass you, report it to a +member, moderator or an admin or even Unpoke if you cannot get anyone else, we are here to help. Take screenshots, record videos, other than that I cannot do much with this report.

I'm just gonna close this one seeing how no punishements are going to be handed out towards this report.

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