12-23-2017, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2017, 04:13 PM by CoachGrump.)
I avoid exploit threads most of the time because of my history with exploiting. Pretty damn lucky I got the short end of the stick, but I still regret my decision.
I do not know if you ACTUALLY regret your decision of exploiting. You may say you do but that can be a lie. But that can also be the truth, that's the tricky thing about these kinds of bans.
Honestly, I have no opinion of this unban appeal. While there was no actual effort (sorry Terran, I think that matters) shown on this appeal, I can't really base an actual opinion due to my absence during this time. I don't know what kind of person he was, or what other things he did wrong.
I can't really see an unban though, not saying you don't deserve it, just can't really see the future outcome of this thread. Good luck
12-23-2017, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2017, 03:57 PM by 2bias.)
(12-23-2017, 12:09 PM)Terran Wrote: Goddamn, you're all acting like this is some sort of fucking fancy dinner application. Whether the app is filled with bullshit sorrow or not, he's making it and it is to be judged by people with significantly more braincells than the lot of you. You gotta understand, that when Cobaltgeo's post is the most intelligent out of everyone here, that's fucking something to say. Stop posting on things saying "BUT U DIDN'T PUT DA EFFORT". Really? Stooping to the level of reaction videos? That's just stupid. I don't support the dude's unban appeal, or at least I Don't care enough, but stop acting like idiots. Its sickening and annoying.
Now, regarding the appeal: I think what he did was malicious, but not enough to warrant a permanent ban. An inventory wipe is MORE than sufficient. What, is he going to magically find another exploit and immediately do it? Maybe, but does it hurt anyone? Its just another exploit being found, one that'll be fixed. Or maybe it isn't, who knows, but anybody could find and abuse it. The guy didn't cheat or try to personally ruin the game for anyone, he just decided to get a bit greedy and do something dumb, and that's FINE. FRG is a server for fun, for hanging out and having a good time. Stop treating it like its some sort of holy Utopia only the chosen few deserve to get into.
tl;dr: unban or not, doesn't matter to me, but I don't think anything worse than an inventory wipe is necessary.
If he did something that could have completely ruined the server's economy, and then shows no remorse and doesn't even put in the effort for the ban appeal, why should we allow him to keep playing? Yes, the chances of him finding another exploit this severe is fairly low, but still very possible, and next time he may not be caught in time and it could actually ruin the server economy. Why should we take the risk of allowing him back on the server when he hasn't even shown any remorse for what he's done? Its taken him literally 5 ban appeals just to even apologize for it, which I doubt is sincere at all.
If he was sincere through all his ban appeals maybe my opinion would be different, but again it took him 5 to even acknowledge he did something that was remotely wrong, going as far to justify it as "thinking outside the box" and "being creative" in his other appeals. Those aren't the words of someone who feels sorry for what they did.
To create a more real response now that its not like 2am my time, I've supported each of these ban appeals... up until now.
As previously stated, that is primarily due to the amount of effort put into these appeals.
For example, someone like Nuggie.
Although two very different situations, one of the reasons i kept supporting him is that he always gave a lot of effort into trying to right his wrongs, besides the fact for whether or not he could ever do that. The point was, he was always putting a ton of effort into his appeals, and he visibly showed that he was trying.
With this... I dont think I can support these any more. Each appeal is exactly the same, and, frankly, I cant tell that you really want back.
Originally I supported these with Terran's point of view, but now
+0 Its easy to see how this was a mistake and a clear case of how greed can easily cloud the mind in the heat of the moment, however I can't support an unban if you don't put any effort into the appeal. Saying "I made a mistake and i'm sorry" isn't enough.
Also to say that this particular case of exploiting should be held on the same pedestal as cheating is ridiculous. Cheating is intentionally malicious, whereas the wormqueen exploit is was clearly for personal gain and the "economy ruining" is an unintended side effect. I am in no way saying that exploiting a bug is in anyway fine, but I do believe this case happened to be a lapse of judgment where Default got caught with his hand in the cookie jar while hungry.
-1ing without any reasoning as to why is immature especially from someone who is supposed to be a role model.
+1 Even though I was someone involved in this incident, I do feel like D3F4ULT could be unbanned, even at this point every makes a meme outta him with what he said, a chance to try again wouldn't hurt anyone, with an inv wipe and maybe a temp trade ban could be reasonable for a unban, also, I'm not looking at a perspective of him just being my brother, I'm looking from a player side of things. There are many cases of 2nd chances even from things people shouldn't have done in the first place. Also just looking at a response from other users, I feel like people dont take this too serious anymore, he keeps trying to make a multiple unban appeals even though the result has been same multiple times, its time to either grow up and forgive a little. Flame this all you want idc.
100% agree w/ Terran's & Cobalt's post
Ik I'm an inactive member, but still, you can't hold a grudge on someone forever, if you can by some magical fucking reasons, I applaud you
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault
03-01-2018, 04:35 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2018, 04:37 AM by Team A.U.T.S.)
+1 but i would say inventory wipe and Perm trade ban would make sure that he cant ruin the economy ever again and the trade ban will remind him of what is to come if tries to abuse a bug again. (Perm trade ban not temp)
If you find a bug, the only reasonable thing is to report it.
IMO trade ban would be a minimum requirement for someone who abused inventory related bugs. (drops included)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug
Looking back on it, I realized you can't attribute maliciousness where being stupid equally applies.
What you did was dumb, what you did after was dumb.
You had any intention to actually ruin the economy, you just found something you thought was neat so you did that not thinking of the consequences.
It was fixed and not much damage was done if any.
I don't think it's worth a permanent ban for being dumb and you've apologized this time.
+0 for unban
+1 for becoming the second ironman on this server