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Logic rule discussion when?

(03-17-2018, 12:48 PM)Anthony Wrote:  I kill people off logic most rounds I play. I'm not going to play the game stupid, yesterday a T shot an awp I marked everyone around me as friendly because it was impossible for them to have shot the AWP. It was down to TJ or some other kid. I told them to fight it out, but I couldn't get them to fight it out because they said what I was doing was based on logic. That is actually pure horseshit I can't understand how what I was doing was wrong. I could understand them not fighting if they didn't trust me, but they didn't do it because it was too logical... are u fucking me.

The reason why I chose to act this way is because there were people scattered around you. I couldn't be 100% sure that someone didn't quick switch on and off the awp since I didn't see everyone. And whose to say the guy who had the awp wasn't innocent? People don't claim all T items they collect.

I was also trying to let the low level player try to attack on his own instead of pushing him into a corner. You putting that situation onto him should've put pressure onto him and try to finish as quick as possible.

And Brass has a point. How could I prove that you saw everyone. If I killed and he reported me, how could I prove that you saw everyone, and everyone you marked friendly was alive? This could only be proven if I killed him immediately if I saw him within the 5 seconds that death scene allows.

You just kept saying kill him. That's another problem with logic. You can only kill when someone either says "kos _" or "_ is a traitor" in terms of voice or normal chat. You can't say anything other than those two to be allowed to kill for chat. I tried discussion this in the rule discussion thread but only one response was given. Just because you say kill him doesn't give me the power to kill him.

Granted, I think most people would actually follow your reason to kill, but since I wasn't sure you saw everyone, so I decided I'd give the traitor a chance.

It's SOOOOOOO annoying to play now sometimes because i constantly hear just "you can't kos off location" EVEN IF IT'S UNDOUBTABLE. And i see people walk past un-ided bodies and have to pretend that they might not have seen them. Logic needs to be allowed but I think we all came to that consensus. As for enforcing it, I say as a rule of thumb, if you explain your logic and end up being right about it, no slay. If you go off your logic and end up being wrong about it (i.e. killing an uninvolved innocent), then slay.

You guys are such fucking retards the obvious fix is to rename the gamemode to Call Of Duty

Yes. I'll now state officially you can kill for that. Just be smart about it, and don't abuse it. I'll have to come up with better wording soon with unpoke though to further explain.

While we clarify logic kills. What about the people who ID bodies instantly as the victim died point blank to them.
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