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Teaming in Sword Minigame

While I don't think that teaming up on an enemy is necessarily a bad thing for the sword minigame, I think that there should be some balances for taking on more than one enemy at a time. Hence, I propose that if you take damage or parry more than one attack within a given period of time (or a mix of the two), you could be able to trigger a "revenge strike" that does a 360 sweep all around you. This attack will deal 50 damage to those that are hit and heal you for 10hp for each enemy struck. The revenge strike fades after four seconds, so you can't hold it to use it in a later fight. This would balance the tides a bit, and make it so that people have a reason to fear sneaking up on a vulnerable enemy.

Or maybe you could add a little warning light or something.
Like when you've been seen in a video game, where there's a little white light in the direction of the sighting.

I'd love to see something like lunar plane where you can press a button to do X during a sword fight regardless of what it is.

last man standing is always fun for me to play and this might spice it more than the rock paper scissors it can turn into

How about in general when you get hit (into 1 hit territory) you can press E to get a mobility boost panic button

or maybe like a one time dash that can be then activated by double tapping W at extremely low health

This sounds a lot like the revenge system in for honor, which is absolutely aids by the way. But it's possibility it's good in this because teaming should be discouraged.

I just feel like people that teamed have never 1v1'd on CoD rust map.

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