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Poll: Which Idea do you like (Or do they suck)
Rainbow Six Siege Drone
Camera on a wall
I can see EVERYTHING (Wider Angle)
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Detective Camera Changes

So brass is currently planning on changing the camera, allowing it to mark people it can see and show there name (not disguised people), and to be a little more invisible.  Someone brought up that it was still gonna mainly be used for camping the det room, so I wanted to change it a little with some ideas.
(If you like any ideas or hate them, please answer the poll so we can know how people feel)

1. Turn it into a Rainbow Six Siege Drone (Standard one)
So for those who don't know the drone very well, It can jump (with a cool down in between jumps) move around the map, its very small, it has a camera in the front, and it can mark people. I like this idea because it adds onto what brass is currently doing to the camera, but it still gives the user a major disadvantage, making you stand still while using it, probably in an animation, and when in use the drone has a big red dot above the camera (so it wont be broken in dark areas)

This would make the camera move around, and give it the capability of going around to different areas of the map (so its not rooted to one spot the whole time) while still being balanced since the detective cannot actually move while using the drone.

2. Give it wheels - (Unpokes idea)
Just give it wheels... that is... ya it would make it better then it being rooted to the spot, the only downside is the fact you can block areas with it then, cause the current camera you can walk through (I belive) since I belive it has to have collision if its on wheels

3. Make the camera more versitile
Imagine if you could just place the camera on a wall, or a ceiling and have it be more versitile, cause things like the radar or grapple hook is much more fun and useful then this, even the binoculars paired with grapple hook is a great combo on some maps.

4. Widen its Camera Angle
I like using this item, its bad yes, but its fun to watch people from a semi safe place, but if we added this buff and let you see more then what you currently can (cause its a pretty small space) I think it would be much better.

These are only ideas, feel free to discuss them in the comments and such
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How about the black ops 1 camera, where it showed the camera screen on your hud

You can actually place the camera on walls, just rotate it a bit. What I think it needs is a 'preview' of what you're looking at on the camera screen as you move the camera around.

For those that didn't read, I've made changes so the camera can see in all lighting conditions, and you can hold left click to "Scan" for players, inwhich it displays their name on your Camera screen for 30 seconds(you can kos from this, it also has entries in damagelogs when you scan someone). I also made the camera semi-transparent.

I don't have any plans or time to make it a controllable drone though at this moment. Minor adjustments/changes that don't require complete reworks are okay, but entirely new item (the drone) would be too much time for my current schedule.


Why not change it to a drone type camera like they have in siege? Would be a lot more helpful than this camera.

(05-29-2018, 04:32 AM)Eclipse Wrote:  Why not change it to a drone type camera like they have in siege? Would be a lot more helpful than this camera.

"I don't have any plans or time to make it a controllable drone though at this moment. Minor adjustments/changes that don't require complete reworks are okay, but entirely new item (the drone) would be too much time for my current schedule."

hello i posted this 3 years ago
give me the rep i deserve

(05-29-2018, 06:33 AM)Excel Wrote:  http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=1178
hello i posted this 3 years ago
give me the rep i deserve

I posted on this thread

Can I have rep too

(05-29-2018, 06:02 AM)Alex Summers Wrote:  
(05-29-2018, 04:32 AM)Eclipse Wrote:  Why not change it to a drone type camera like they have in siege? Would be a lot more helpful than this camera.

"I don't have any plans or time to make it a controllable drone though at this moment. Minor adjustments/changes that don't require complete reworks are okay, but entirely new item (the drone) would be too much time for my current schedule."

He editted his post after I posted mine about it. It's understandable that it would take a while to code but I brought it up and he said no.

No need to make me look dumb (I already am dumb enough)

Well what sort of work does it require, I can attempt to do some of the work myself or even make it a mod for all servers (since I do want to learn how to mod at some poimt)
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(05-29-2018, 06:33 AM)Excel Wrote:  http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=1178
hello i posted this 3 years ago
give me the rep i deserve

If we are going back to things before rep was invented then I am owed much rep.

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