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please dont hate this right away

sooooo.... i was thinking.
what about a traitor health station....

it would heal slower then a dective health station, you can only heal up to half health and that is it.
when healing it makes a sound/beep that can be heard by people near by. and maybe some other things that dont make it to op.

Sure. As long as it charges slower and is louder. why not right guise

I was thinking of a one time use buyable item that would add like 50hp

"Healing" doesn't feel very "Traitorous" to be honest. I made an old, old suggestion before.

Sort of liked the detective T tester on NTG, you could charge up this T item and release it at someone. If it hits, it switches your HP values around. E.G: If you're at 17hp and he's at 100hp, you now have 100hp and he has 17hp. Of course, this would be marginally difficult to aim (Just like the T tester), due to the 5-or-so second charge time. One credit cost, one use, and you can't buy another one.

Yay/nay? More "Traitorous" than healing.

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