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Radioactive Twinkelz Ban Appeal

Steam Name (Current):◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Steam Name (During incident):◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:101857120

Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198163979969/home/

Name of staff you were banned by:Jake1o

Length of the banTongueerm.

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Repealed

Reason for ban:Schemeing

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:No

Additional details:
Ive been banned for "Schemeing" I had reported Bacon for "Ghosting" to Fuzzy then later i trade Bacon for his gun and Bacon gets Banned and i get Banned for "schemeing"
Im a good player and i dont cause alot of drama
Plus i donate to the server ive donated Quite a bit Near $80
And in no way does anyone dislike me and i believe this Ban to be Unjustified.

1st: Use the format please
2nd: You "loaned" the gun from Bacon for 50 coins, knowing he'd get banned for ghosting (you sold him out after). That's just low as hell man.

Use the proper format. I believe the ban was justified. You PM'd me reporting the player, asking if you could have his gun, in which I said no. Then with the knowledge you had about his incoming ban, you chose to rent weapons from him for your own gain. Basically something we do NOT want people doing here.

(03-05-2015, 12:36 AM)◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤ Wrote:  Im a good player and i dont cause alot of drama

Ok, what do you call all of the shit you just started?

You told cyan and I that you paid a legendary for it :/

I told you lmao it was a obvious trick xD, I tried to warn bacon but sadly he fell for the bait & even tho i do not get unbanned, i wish bacon does cause he was wrongfully set up but then again bacon was aware of the rules & what would happen, atleast a reduced ban im just suggesting since he was "SET UP" Please do not be made that i suggested a reduced ban lol cause im not a staff. Also radio you are a obvious scammer you traded a new player(kid, younger than 13) a Ninjato for the chicken soup.... i would of gave the kid a free ninjato... -1. I rated you out cus of the nighthawk you ripped me for... It's funny cause If i never would of talked to bacon for those few seconds about that SG i would of never found out about the scam.... D: sad right.

An absolutely disgusting example of a shark. Your actions speak louder than any words you can manage to put here. You "borrowed" a gun and then sold that person up the creek.

Have i really done ANYTHING wrong until this little incident and i have supported the server a Permenant Ban in my opinion is "Unjustified", espeacially for such a small thing

It just shows you guys the type of person a "human" can be & how decietful & Fully of lies they can be & this is over a game, Imagine what he could or would do in RL...

(03-05-2015, 12:48 AM)◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤ Wrote:  Have i really done ANYTHING wrong until this little incident and i have supported the server a Permenant Ban in my opinion is "Unjustified", espeacially for such a small thing

Not unjustified, a ban is needed.

Maybe shortened, but definitely a ban is needed.

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