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Cooldowns on the Sidebar of FRG Launcher

Since I think the cooldowns are properly displayed on website/server, would it be possible to display them on the launcher, I think it would be a cool addition making it easier to keep track of all event cooldowns and even easier to check when playing TTT, since sometimes the inventory timers can be innaccurate for some reason
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


Sure. I could probably display dailies too. I'll also look into inventory displays being in-accurate sometimes. Anyone else have this issue still?

all the time tbh, cooldowns will go up and then reset visually but I can do things perfectly. I never trust my inv cooldowns.
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I only ever seem to have an issue with the worm queen cooldown. It is NEVER accurate.

It will say I have a cooldown when I don't, say I don't have one when I do, or be completely off by multiple hours.

Sometimes it even displays someone elses' cooldown rather than mine

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