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De_Vour Memeber App

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): De_Vour

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 66 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I heard about a long time ago when NTG was still up, I recently got into it because of a couple of friends.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope

Why do you want to join?: I enjoy the server and enjoy playing ttt and doing various events with different memeber the community, and seeing how i intend to spend more time here, i feel like it is a good idea to become a memeber of the community. I hope that you all consider me as a new member.

Referred by: Tango

Additional Details: I like to do events as well so if you all need 1 for for anything hmu.

De_vour is a nice man, He was fun back in NTG, and still is in FRG. He also lift the curse of the Moatman server.


+1 never seen him cause trouble

+1 pretty cool guy and causes no problems
kinda like the Bella_Thorne of FRG

I actually haven't paid much attention to you, but from what others attest to you seem alright. I remember you from earlier today, it was a pleasant enough experience. I think you'd be a fine member, probably. +1

I thought he was someones alt at first cause he just slid right in. +1

This guy loves to do events and invites me to them! Overall a pretty decent guy even if he's a bit tryhard Tongue +1

Guys pretty okay. I see him on enough to make me notice when he's on and doesn't cause trouble or break rules. +1

very cool boy +1

yes +1 best he will be good Memeber

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