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Cancel Christmas

Hello it's your friend Kuro and I am back with another quality suggestion.

I was thinking that with the sudden increase in the amount of jewish people in the server that we need to change our holidays. I'm suggesting this early as I'm sure there's nothing set in stone yet for this year and I feel it's appropriate
I believe that celebrating only Christmas wouldn't be fair to our manager who is jewish, our developer in Israel, our owner who is practically jewish with donation goals, or Terran.

It's time for a multi-part winter event so we can accommodate better for the increase in diversity.

We can have a menorah that gets a candle lit every day or whenever Excel is paid 50k. Instead of santa hats we get those little round jewish hats (yamaka? yamacha?), instead of fidget spinners for gifts we get dreidel, and instead of awful ice and snowstorm suffixes your gun gets a passive effect where it prints money.

This would be a supplemental event where everyone could take a part in and enjoy learning the culture.
I hope you all have a happy hanukkah regardless if this suggestion gets approved, thanks.

and before anyone asks I'm not suggesting anything for Kwanzaa, you could probably fit everyone who celebrates that into the population of alaska 3 times so I'd rather suggest Alaskan pride day or something

i like this suggestion except it isnt multicultural enough;
i believe there should be festivus representation

+1 its not fair to others

sounds good to me

but can we make halloween jew friendly?

I'm part were-jew (where my nose grows longer when money is smelt)

and I get laughed at during halloween for my "crazy costume"

P90s needs a part of this

Just make some sort of "Winter Holliday" event. blamo solved.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

12 days of excels deals

pls im very offended i need star of david accessory that floats above me

(08-19-2018, 10:28 AM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  pls im very offended i need star of david accessory that floats above me


What if it's power creep on the wisp in a bottle/ flashlight and it produces yellow light around you so you don't need to turn on your flashlight

We already have excel : ^)

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