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Newer Boss Fight

Event Name: Alienman
Boss Info: Player-Controlled, About 3 times the size of a normal Player.
Abilities: LazorGun (Shoots out VERY slow traveling high firerate projectiles that deal a lot of damage/hit. Wouldn't be op due to the speed of the projectiles but might want to balance the speed/damage ratio as not to lag the server)
Spawn Manhacks (Explains Itself, dunno how many tho that's up to testing)
Alien Probing (The Alien uses his ability and when he does a circle appears and where he aimed is the middle of the circle. After a short time the fires an AOE probe that is essentially
a death sentence. After being hit the player will die in x seconds/minutes)
Flashbang (Just a flashbang. I mean when you're flashed you dont really know if he's probing you or not and if the manhacks are close, hence why it would be an interesting addition.)
KN0CK0UTGR3N4D3 ( Alternative to the flashbang is a grenade that just stuns enemies hit and makes them unable to move for a short time, enough to set up a probing.)
Call Mothership (This is the ultimate and it's usable below 50% hp. It summons his ship which shots out lasers like a discoball. Don't know how strong it would be but hey sounds cool)

Chance to drop a misc item called: 4N4L PR0B3:
4N4L PR0B3: Shoots a silenced small blue bolt that forces the player hit to run for 5 seconds.

-1 Vhoxels boss 2 edgy not enough aliens.

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+1 also need mexico boss


hero brine boss better

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