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Nivendo's Great Suggestion Thread of Suggestions

Table of Contents

1. Unique / Godlike Suggestions
2. Suffix / Trait Suggestions
3. Minigame Suggestions
4. Rune Suggestions
5. Crystal / Orb Suggestions
6. Misc Suggestions
7. Halloween Suggestions - New

1. Unique / Godlike Suggestions
Greed's Embrace - P90
1 in (3) chance to steal one point of health, damage, firerate, and mobility from your target for (60) seconds.
Health stolen is maintained, and does not dissipate over the timeframe unless it is overheal.
15% Firerate
18% Damage
5% Mobility
15% Accuracy
-30% Stability

Murky Water - TEC9
All damage dealt from this weapon is treated as if the target were drowning.
1 in (12) chance to shoot a water blast, flinging the target backwards.
-20% Firerate
50% Damage
5% Mobility
35% Accuracy
-20% Stability

Lost Dreams - Pistol
1 in (7) chance to blur the target's vision, dealing (40) damage when the blur is finished.
"Sleep, now, child. You've earned it."
35% Damage
10% Mobility
-10 Clip
40% Accuracy
-65% Stability

The Keepsake - Scythe Melee
"I had a visit from Death. He insisted I have something to commemorate the occasion."
1 in (6) chance to create a localized shockwave, pulling your target towards you and dealing (30) damage.
30% Mobility
50% Firerate
(35) damage a hit.

Vindication - Glock
1 in (3) chance to be shrouded in white upon rightful kill. For the next (2.5) seconds, you take 80% less damage from all sources.
40% Damage
15% Firerate
10 Clip
-20% Stability
30% Accuracy

2. Suffix / Trait Suggestions
Ominous Trait - 1 in X chance for a feeling of dread to rush over your enemies. After 3 seconds, the next attack you hit them with does 2.5x the damage.
of the Trapper Suffix - 1 in X chance to mark a target. The marked target is restricted within a small space for 4 seconds, or until you are dead.
Swapper Trait - On rightful kill, deploy speed is instant for the next 5 seconds.
of the Scavenger Suffix - 1 in 3 chance on rightful kill to randomly receive a temporary hp, firerate, or damage boost.

of the Zodiac - Extremely rare suffix that allows a normal weapon to obtain the zodiac perks. May be random on a per-round basis, or possibly just receives a permanent zodiac.

3. Minigame Suggestions
   Fishing Suggestions
       Fishing Challenge Scrolls - Wet, Slimy, Soaked, Waterlogged, Ancient.
           Recommended Steps:
               Catch X Fish
               Snag X Items (Would probably require additional tiers of weapons added, it's kinda sad getting just Terranables. Don't increase chance too much, though.)
               Press X Buttons Correctly
               (Slider Puzzles?)
               Catch a (Swordfish, Shark, Key, etc depending on difficulty)
               Catch X Fish with X Rod
               Use X Rod X Times
               Use X Bait X Times
               Rewards: Challenge tier fishing rods, coins, (fishbucks?), fishing xp, Hydra tier guns, etc.

Immortal Fish - Fish that can only be caught once by only a single player, and are treated as a trophy. They are caught as a badge, require a complicated code typed very quickly with no errors, are extremely rare to have a chance to catch, and have no specific weight. A couple examples:
Coelacanth - "These things weren't supposed to exist anymore, but here it is..."
Koi - "This thing put up a hell of a fight for how small it is. Maybe the real fish let go and you ended up with this...?"
Anglerfish - "Absolutely terrifying. The lake isn't that deep... Where did this come from?"

Floating Aquarium - To go with Immortal Fish or just in general. A cosmetic item that allows you to socket and display any fish you catch.

Other Fish/Items -
Catfish - "You know, when they said a catfish, I wasn't really expecting this." : Godlike
Dogfish - "... What?" : Godlike
Encrusted Fossil - This thing was probably in the bottom of the lake for centuries... Maybe you should talk to Arvid about it? (Random item. Can be a high-tier rune, or something extremely interesting.)
Glowing Sword - Identifiable by Arvid. Ungodly rare. Celestial.

Fishing Traits - Applied randomly to rods upon catch or unboxing.
% Chance for Catches
% Chance for Snags
% Heavier Fish
% XP Gain
% Chance for Specific Fish
--- Possibly Challenge Traits ---
% Chance not to consume Durability
% Chance to Raise Weight Category
% Chance to spawn Kraken
% Chance for instant catch (Either when catching or biting)

Ideas for fishing leveling -
Skill points. Increase your strength, catch rate, or rarity values.
Specialize. Increase the likelihood of specific fish or drops. Can be reset for fishbucks.
Gain access to fishing skills, higher level fish,  earn shop discounts, and gain access to certain shop items.

4. Rune Suggestions
Rune of Trepidation - The next time you receive a godlike or primordial, it is altered unpredictably. (Destroyed or modified, either suffix/trait or stat-wise.)
Rune of the Zodiac - Reroll the zodiac effect of an extinct weapon.
Rune of the Cartographer - Upon use, a map you select will be put into the mapvote. That map starts with your vote already on it, and it counts as triple.
Rune of Old Knowledge - Skip a step of your challenge scroll. This rune can only be used once per scroll.
Rune of Lost Wealth - For the next 4 rounds, you will receive a post-round drop. These drops are not bound to the global drop table, and can roll loot from any table.
Puzzle Rune - You have two to five minutes to solve a slider puzzle and receive an appropriate reward based on difficulty. Only usable on lobby.

Heavy Rune - Raises the weight of all fish caught for 20 minutes. Use at your own risk of breaking your rod.
Waterlogged Rune - Higher chance to catch better rarity fish and items from fishing for 30 minutes.
Whispering Rune - "It's trying to tell you something, and it almost seems to tug towards the lake..." (Highly increased change for triggering Kraken)

5. Crystal / Orb Suggestions
Ignorant Crystal - All damage you receive is delayed by (x) second. X being a value ~ between .5 and 1 second.
Hourglass Crystal - Every ten seconds, you take one damage. Your firerate and mobility are increased by X%. This effect cannot kill you.
Morphing Crystal - You receive 10% proficiency in a random stat. Every fifteen seconds, this rolls again.
Corrupted Crystal - You have X less health, but your damage is increased by X%.
Duelist's Crystal - Take 66% less damage, but you can only use melee weapons.

6. Misc Suggestions
Rock, Paper, Scissors within the 50/50 tab. Fairly easy, and fun. Basically a 33/33/33 but with more strategy.

Advanced Dailies - Advanced dailies would be a set of dailies (or a daily) that requires primordial tiers. These unlock (possibly, though not really required) at level 50 and give more considerable rewards.
General Dailies -  General dailies would be damage with any traitor weapon, use of any detective item, # of bodyshots, # of headshots, etc.
Community Dailies/Weeklies - Daily or weekly quests that involve the whole community. Rewards are doled out based on a percentage system. Some examples of community quests: Collect X Souls, Complete X Challenge Scrolls, Complete X Challenge Scroll Steps, Complete X Dailies, Clear (Event) X Times, Find X Items

7. Halloween Suggestions

The Risen's Bane - Godlike TMP
32% Firerate
12 Clip
-20% Accuracy
-40% Stability
Upon rightful kill or zombie kill, refresh your magazine for free.

Vanquisher's Pride - Primordial Sword
35% Damage - (Should deal around 60 damage?)
-5% Firerate (Roughly 30% slower than a crowbar, perhaps.)
Upon rightful kill or zombie kill, gain 30% firerate for 20 seconds.
This effect can stack up to 5 times, or 10 times if from zombies.

Siphoning Sphere - Godlike Orb
The orb saps your life as you touch it. You take 8 damage for every second that you hold the orb.
However, within the pain, you ignore all fall damage, fire damage, and clear any DoT effect that is active on you.

Seething - Primordial Tier
36% Damage
30% Firerate
10% Mobility
-15% Accuracy
-80% Stability
250% Deploy Speed
"The gun feels oppressive, as if it's screaming at you to let go of it."
Take 3 damage every 15 seconds that you hold this gun. This effect cannot kill you.
(The time that you take damage next is displayed at the bottom of your screen, and is paused when you are not holding a Seething gun.)

Agonizing Crystal - Primordial Tier
You cannot be effected by suffixes or traits, but take 1 damage every 30 seconds. This effect cannot kill you.

The hourglass crystal sounds interesting, yet on the other hand, the ignorant crystal sounds like this:
*deagle man in head*
*man turns around*
*im dead*
Umpty Dumpty

+1 for the P90, +0 for the ignorant crystal

Ah yes, The killtrade crystal. What people always wanted.

You guys overestimate the actual value of 1 second for almost every player I know - but yes - I will admit it's kind of just a killtrade crystal lmao.
In hindsight, might not be great considering it just makes innocents more powerful than they already are, which has been an issue for a long time in this server.
I'll think up some things that are more useful to a traitor, perhaps.

No need for the zodiac rune, because It's a feature planned.The back-end for it is already finished, it's going to cost shards to do, so it acts as another type of godlike and/or coin sink.

Bump & Update. Removed introduction.

Added a few traits, suffixes, godlike ideas, and daily ideas from my boy Ardi Emma.

big fan of most of these ideas, if tuned. creative stuff

With the exception of the hourglass, ignorant, and lost dreams (If the blur is like the tranq blur then it would be the worst thing possible). +1

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