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{Nerf} Jihad (sorta)[Implemented]

This isn't really a jihad nerf, but more like a nerf for a lot of unfair tactics involving it.
For example:
  • Switching to an extinct ccd after activating jihad to get the snowman damage reduction and aoe freeze
  • cloaking after activation

here are some tactics that take actual skill and I'd hate to see affected by the above being nerfed:
  • Grapple hook + jihad
  • Blink and Jihad
  • Grav nade and jihad
Umpty Dumpty

I think the jihad should remain as it is intended, a really powerful blast that kills you.
CCD snowman should be patched as that's pretty OP and goes against what the jihad is.

Keeping the rest of the combos is fine and nerfing them just means the jihad loses a lot of viability

only issue is the snowman imo.
that shit dumb

i didnt even know snowman was a thing
wont be using it cus it sounds super dumb

- That Thrakos Noob

frosty did nothing wrong, no nerf plz. besides, I needed vitality and blaze to actually survive it. with barely 20 hp

Nothing should allow a jihad user to survive their own blast. Imo
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

agreed, only nerf snowman

fix ccd ice cube too then, makes the jihadist take 0 dmg when encased

Can we also add back the "1 in x chance to freeze you, too" to extinct CCD? Seriously, that thing is just annoying as shit. Getting frozen is a death sentence, 100% of the time. Pre-nerf CCD was garbo, and this extinct is that.

inb4 a million cries of anguish

Jihad is the best when it's powerful.

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