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New Gamemode

So I've been thinking about the classes system we have and its really cool in concept but I feel like its potential is wasted in TTT. To have such a unique and fun system be locked to specific roles seems counter intuitive to having fun :/

With the, not so new, news of TTT starting to get a bit stale I've been thinking of a new game mode! Lets make a new game mode based around the class based system where you pick a class at the beginning of a round and stay the class through the whole round. The reason this would be important is because each class will have class specific weapons (so shotguns, aks, and p90s, for the warrior, snipers for the cleric, etc.), so picking a class would be important to what weapon you'd be able to use. Along with that would be a nerf to the starting abilities of the classes so they don't immediately give a lot of buffs, have some buffs be unlocked as they get kills/timer ticks down/etc.. With this new system I believe we could get more people to play and maybe make the second server not just for LULs.

yeah also we should implement lower, middle, or upper class and introduce wage gaps and monetary inequality

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