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[Buff] Cerberus

Literally anyone who owns/has used a Cerb knows that it is near unusable. Which makes no sense considering it's rarity both in scarcity and title (It being a Godlike and all).
Every single other Godlike is a step up from its counterpart and the Cerberus just straight up isn't. It has similar RPM/Acc/Dmg/etc. of a prim Shotgun yet has the massive set back of only having a clip of 4 and the only reloading under 1 clip mechanic.

Here I propose several easy fixes that could make it a worth wild weapon to own as well as keeping it balanced.

If you have used or own a Cerb (Alex) feel free to add thoughts bellow.


1. Add a slight RPM or DMG boost: Either make it so you don't have to barrel stuff to the head to one tap or make so you can at least get 2 shots off in a reasonable amount of time.

2. Faster Reload and remove the only reload under 1 clip mechanic: Pretty self-explanatory, although I feel if this was implemented it would have to be done so with a combination of one of the other options.

3.Accuracy and/or Range buff: Alex and I have both agreed that this would be one of the better options for buffing the Cerb. As I mentioned before the Cerb has crazy spread with its shots and thus you have to put the barrel straight to someone's head in order to one tap.

4. Add a left click function similar to The Eleos instead of having an iron site: Lots of old-timey multi-barreled shotguns had multiple triggers to actually fire from both barrels at the same time as well as being about to fire them individually. So allowing left click to dumb your mag and fire all four shots could be cool.

I believe that any of these changes would be completely fair and anyone who has used a Cerb can definitely agree that it needs a buff of some kind bad.

Thank you for reading and again, feel free to add your thoughts bellow. Ty <3

disregarding the above,
I'm not personally experienced enough with the cerb to say for sure that it needs a buff. I will say, however, that it does seem a little lackluster for a godlike shotgun of such rarity (especially when considered next to it's crate brother, the Daybreak...)
I think changes could help cerberus feel less like "missed daybreak" and more like an actual desired gun.

Lmao, its obvious you have never used a Cerberus @rick not Donger

I don't think the gun is great, but I don't really think the gun has to be better than it is

I do think though that the proc should be buffed to a more extreme effect somehow, since the gun does ride on that to an extent, maybe more severe shaking or somethin' less corny if possible since all these new visual effects have been comin' out

also fix shotgun procs @brass

- That Thrakos Noob

As the owner of 3 CERBS, its pretty meh.

Countless times, I've been right on top of someone shooting them in the chest/head and they don't die.
I think it has a ridiculous amount of bullet spread. Especially combo'd with its fairly slow firerate compared to other shotties, it's pretty annoying to use. Not to mention the proc itself hardly ever procs and doesn't do much when it does.

Only thing I think should be buffed is deloy and reload speed. Owned the gun for a good month and had no problem whatsoever blasting people. Maybe just learn where to aim your crosshair.

Edit: I do have to admit though that the gun is pretty underwhealming in it's current state. Especially when compared to the daybreak. Maybe buff it so it doesn't lose accuracy on movement speed like the first prayer?

Problem is that it's essentially a regular shotgun with the pellet count at 4 rather than 7 with much worse accuracy, reduced DPS(per shot?), half the magazine size, and slower deploy/reload with the only benefits being the suffix and the better range due to damage dropoff being more forgiving to bigger numbers

To be honest I'd love to see it maintain stats and go the opposite way to have x16 pellet per shot and have the suffix do bonus burn for extra damage per pellet hit during the proc

(11-07-2018, 03:23 PM)Kuro Wrote:  Problem is that it's essentially a regular shotgun with the pellet count at 4 rather than 7 with much worse accuracy, reduced DPS(per shot?), half the magazine size, and slower deploy/reload with the only  benefits being the suffix and the better range due to damage dropoff being more forgiving to bigger numbers

To be honest I'd love to see it maintain stats and go the opposite way to have x16 pellet per shot and have the suffix do bonus burn for extra damage per pellet hit during the proc

W r o n g.

I feel like the problem with the cerberus is that it doesn't benefit the user compared to another shotgun. You get a trait that effects someone else, but that person usually dies because it's a shotgun. So it makes it feel like there isn't a trait, or when it happens, it doesn't help very much.

Proposed changes(one or more of these):
  • Base Weapon
    • Increase range by 60%.
    • Remove mobility inaccuracy.
    • Increase pellet damage from 18 to 19 (+25% this for real damage amount, as this is just the base weapon)
      This increases body shot damage to 95. Meaning you still have to land at least one headshot to 1 tap someone.
  • 1-2 of the above bundled with - Ability Changes:
    • Add a DoT to it, which also makes targets take more damage depending on the darkness level of the area they are in. Super bright = less damage, super dark = more damage.
      This makes the DoT more situational, and more powerful on certain maps/certain areas. Which you could adjust your play-style to. Could be fun.
    • Increase the proc chance. (as in make it more common)

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