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To start this off I just want to say I'm a little disappointed in some members of this tightly knit community. I am new here and when I joined (about 2 weeks ago) I was welcomed by many familiar faces and old friends. But then there is some people who don't care at all about others whatsoever, but without the players (that they walk over and make want to quit) this server we love becomes more toxic and won't grow. Sorry about the rant but I'll get to the point now.

Earlier today I was in the lobby and I dropped a godlike rune of ultimate reconstruction (worth 40k i'm now aware of) and right after I get a trade from Excel who gave me 20k for it.
Before I was traded by Excel him and his buddies which were in communication through discord or whatever seemed to have worked together to downplay the price of it and rip me off.

First in chat Kuro types he was buying the rune for 12k (which he can play off as a joke all he wants)  and on the mic one of his other buddies being either nytemart or unbanned bandit says "oh nice! that it worth about 15k" and then excel comes in with the trade of 20k. Trade log here: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/963102626836885581/52DF2BDF231428843B92384172D2555EE4CDD6DB/

It may not be much to others but it does bother me he would even do this.

I want to thank Beebee1303 because after he found out about this he gave me a godlike weapon. Some faith restored in the community Smile

20k is probably underpay but i've bought plenty of them for 25k-40k etc.
Sharking is trying to convince it's a fair trade when it's not also you can read the trade screen on the 2nd screen (If you're unsure about this We advice you not to trade and to decline thing)
All we did we offer coins and you took my offer, again don't know how that is sharking
You should of held on it if your not sure also since you've been around other inventory servers you should probably get to know prices of things before you trade them.( As probably for any game with trading in them)

+1 this needs to get more attention

The best part is when people join and try to defend the scammers, saying "Well Zebrah's not even salty, so why are you?"
Salty the best lame insult you could come up with wow such roast many prank "so many joke offers" +1 +1 +1 +1

paparussia salty that his scammer friends get called out lmaoooo garb !blocked

classic runescape scam. stand at one end of the bank, "buying charcoal 50k", and at the other end your friend is "selling charcoal 25k".

ez profit. never trade with excel tbqh.

also somehow I cringed so hard it cringed five times

Okay so first of all I gotta say that I am indeed ''guilty'' of saying that I'm offering 15k or whatever it was. However I personally meant this in a joking manner and had no real intention of buying the rune at all. We were indeed all in discord and we were pretty much all just joking about buying it all in all. Excel was the only person who had any real interest in the rune itself and from my knowledge just wanted to buy it to piss off mousey i think. But I personally feel that you are being a bit negligent about your own responsibilities in all of this. I mean coming from NTG surely you do understand that people are going to offer all kinds of things to get what they want and hence a bit of caution should always be applied when making a trade. In this case you kind of just dropped the rune got carried with the flow and did a deal that you would later regret. What you should've done is consulted a person outside of the circle of people that wanted to buy the rune about the pricing itself since you're bound to get very biased pricing from the buyers themselves. Another thing that you probably missed prior to going in to this trade is that Excel is well known for extreme lowballing when making offers and that when trading with him you should always be sketical. The final thing that I feel tat you could've done differently was just to ask Excel for a trade back and that you regret the trade and feel cheated, if you had just done that a lot of drama could be avoided. But yeah we are not innocent in all of this either and I'm sorry that you feel this way about this trade and I hope a conclusion can be made that makes you happy Smile

btw excel doesn't trade back, he'll make excuses and bully you. I think I have the proof somewhere of it, but that was like 3 years ago so idk. he's a very unpleasant person.


Umm I was playing HoTS at the time of this.

Also I like how this gets this much attention but not the 10k Expert Scroll.

(11-10-2018, 02:49 AM)No Dick Nytemart Wrote:  "What you should've done is consulted a person outside of the circle of people that wanted to buy the rune about the pricing itself since you're bound to get very biased pricing from the buyers themselves."

How to try and justify yourself as a scammer/associate to scamming 101

So an NTG Mod with 3k hours doesn't know that you should do research and ask around prices of a rare item before selling it to someone for a price the asked for? There's so many things in place to make sure you absolutly positively O.K with wanting to do the trade laid out before you. If you're not able to do that then that responsibility falls on you.

You would think three prominent members of this community wouldn't scam? Hell, even work together in a class A shark scheme.

They should know better than to lie to a low level and scam him.

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