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Buff autosniper

Poopy gun base, slow firerate and can't 1 shot headshot. Give more firerate to compensate for no 1 shot headshot ability thanks, also slightly less recoil.

Is this to buff DoW? Overall I think the gun is really good as it is, even zafkiel is pretty decent. No changes should be needed for it -1
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


As an avid rifle user

I think the recoil makes up for the "auto sniper" part, keeps it balanced. Though it does feel weak, and I believe a little more firerate is needed.

and for DoW, its issue is that the electricity ball eats a 60 damage bullet to do 20 elec damage.
When a dragon round begins.


zafkiel straight up blows, 3 shot body for a kill or 4 with armor+vitality. 2 shot headshot to kill or 3 with vitality too. Dow's proc isn't that op and the mediocre gun itself makes it a very underwhealming gun.

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